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The evolving role of archaeology in cultural resource management on national historic sites in Ontario

Posted on:2008-12-11Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Novak, Melissa EFull Text:PDF
This thesis argues that archaeology is a valuable tool for cultural resource management on national historic sites across Canada. It examines the historical development of the archaeology and cultural resource management and within a Canadian and North American context. The development of the Parks Canada Agency, its Cultural Resource Management Policy and the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada are explored to illuminate the development of the National Historic Site system and to evaluate the contribution each organization has made to the establishment and protection of national historic sites across the country. By applying the Parks Canada Cultural Resource Management Policy to examples of the ways archaeology has been used at Fort Wellington National Historic Site and Fort Henry National Historic Site, the contribution of archaeology in the management of national historic sites will be demonstrated.
Keywords/Search Tags:National historic, Cultural resource management, Archaeology, Canada
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