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Synapsisinterface: An architecture of co-creation

Posted on:2008-11-12Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Maisonneuve, AnneFull Text:PDF
This masters degree project explores participation and design in the creation of architecture. The inquiry considers the potential of architecture as a co-creation between the designer and end-user.;The initiation and documentation of a participatory design methodology for the co-creation of a conceptual building design for the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Center (AARC) in Calgary, Alberta is explored as a vehicle to continue this conversation. Two key building user groups at the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Center participate in design based activities; sharing functional, experiential and qualitative insights about the building that houses AARC's current treatment facility. Ideation toward a concept design which could respond appropriately to the current use and context of the building is jointly explored by participant groups and the designer in the design process.;Key words. Participation and Design, Co-creation, Design Process, Participatory Design, Qualitative Methodology.;This project seeks to engage in a conversation informed by issues of architecture as a participatory entity, the roles of both designer and end user (or building occupant) in the design process, and the value of qualitative methodologies of inquiry in generating experiential insights grounded in the realm of the end user. Participatory design is discussed as a unifying topic for this conversation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture, Participatory design, Co-creation
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