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Expo 2010: Adaptive reuse of Shanghai's post-industrial landscape

Posted on:2009-01-06Degree:M.L.AType:Thesis
University:University of Guelph (Canada)Candidate:Liu, YunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390005450180Subject:Landscape architecture
Significant industrial periods of a city are stories told with high chimneys, cooling towers, giant steel mill structures, and gasworks. In past decades, the demolition of many surplus industrial sites, typically viewed as scars on the landscape of contemporary metropolises, have been common. An emerging alternative approach seeks to retain industrial sites as symbols of urban culture and history, accommodating new uses that support modern views of humanity. The goal of this study is to demonstrate how the value of industrial heritage as a symbol of cultural memory can be used to stimulate contemporary urban design. Design strategies are gleaned from precedent analysis of well-known industrial adaptive reuse cases, and are applied to a part of Shanghai's Expo 2010 site to explore how city scars are not physical constraints, but inspiration to achieve continuity in urban landscapes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Industrial
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