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Preparing first time brownfield developers: An examination of the challenges they face and their pathways to success

Posted on:2010-05-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Tufts UniversityCandidate:Gold, Julia WolfsonFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002977151Subject:Landscape architecture
Brownfield redevelopment is often overwhelming and complicated. However, unlike traditional development, brownfields can offer a different form of opportunity to communities. At a time where green space needs to be preserved and density can be encouraged, brownfields offer the opportunity to halt the spread of blight and abandonment and enrich areas that most need positive change.;Recognizing this potential in our nation's brownfields, this thesis examines the complications of brownfield redevelopment and offers techniques and advice that can be used to simplify and inform the process. Through interviews with first time brownfield developers and a variety of agencies, the barriers faced by these stakeholders are presented and advice is given on how to overcome these challenges and achieve success. Recent case studies are included to emphasize the lessons highlighted by the interviewees. While this research has focused on first time brownfield developers, the findings in this thesis are applicable to anyone involved with brownfields, whether they are new to the field or an expert.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brownfield
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