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An assessment of the current and desired roles of volunteer search and rescue groups in British Columbia

Posted on:2010-11-16Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Royal Roads University (Canada)Candidate:Knox, GrahamFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002487274Subject:Political science
This study provides an opportunity to explore and identify options to increase emergency and disaster response capacity and capability through an expanded use of the existing volunteer search and rescue (SAR) groups in British Columbia. The research provides an examination of the current and desired roles of provincially-recognized ground and inland waters SAR groups. The research also provides insight into how the existing skills, equipment and experience of the province's SAR groups could be applied in potential emergency and disaster response roles such as urban SAR, leading convergent volunteers, conducting emergency notifications and evacuations, and assisting with emergency incident management. The study results could lead to increased opportunities for financial and other support for SAR groups while assisting local and provincial emergency managers increase resiliency and address potential response gaps.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emergency, SAR, Response, Roles
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