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If houses could talk: A comparative analysis of Elymian houses in northwestern Sicily with vernacular structures of Greece and Anatolia

Posted on:2010-10-23Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:Genova, Amy MichelleFull Text:PDF
This research is an architectural comparative analysis between Elymian houses in northwestern Sicily and vernacular structures from Anatolia and Greece in order to demonstrate whether a cultural link existed between the Elymi and their reputed Trojan ancestors. This study will look at (1) Bronze Age houses from Anatolia; (2) Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Greek Age houses from Sicily; and (3) Iron Age and Greek Age houses from Greece. By implementing concepts of (1) Richard Blanton's (1995) model of scale, integration, and complexity; (2) semiotic analysis; and (3) first- and second-person meaning, this research will answer the following questions: (1) What types of household standardization are identifiable within the specific locations being studied, and what accounts for these variations? (2) How do Bronze, Iron, and Greek Age houses vary in terms of house construction and layout? (3) Do the Bronze, Iron, and Greek Age houses of Anatolia and/or Greece share any characteristics with those in western Sicily? (4) How are Elymian houses distinct from those of Anatolia and Greece? Understanding the Elymi civilization of northwestern Sicily is necessary because they have been forgotten in modern literature. Any step closer to understanding the Elymian connection with the Trojans is an opportunity to determine the extent to which archaeological records corroborate ancient sources.
Keywords/Search Tags:Houses, Elymian, Northwestern sicily, Greece, Anatolia
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