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John Rupp and the painted furniture of the Rupp Cabinet Manufactory, Hanover, Pennsylvania

Posted on:2008-06-30Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Corcoran College of Art + DesignCandidate:Scholz, S. ScottFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390005452833Subject:American Studies
John Rupp's name would not be well known today if it were not for the survival of the furniture he made. For this reason, I explain both the impact John Rupp made throughout his life in the Hanover, Pennsylvania, community and the importance of the painted furniture that came out of the Rupp Cabinet Manufactory. Divided into four clear and succinct chapters including a biobliographic study on the life of John Rupp, the Rupp Cabinet Manufactory and the variety of furniture produced there within the context of cabinet making in Hanover, Pennsylvania, the painterly techniques used to decorate his furniture, and finally specifics about various forms of furniture produced at the Rupp Cabinet Manufactory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rupp cabinet manufactory, John rupp, Furniture, Hanover, Pennsylvania
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