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DE-VOID: Tracing shadows in the American desert

Posted on:2008-08-02Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Schanbacher, MichaelFull Text:PDF
In 1945 President Truman carved out 860,000 acres of the Nevada desert to create the Nevada Test Site, our continental nuclear proving ground. Since that time the DOE performed a total of 928 nuclear tests. Littered across the Nevada desert are the records of these 928 tests, and given the scale of each intervention and their relatively stable geologic location they may be our longest lasting marks on the land.; DE-VOID serves as a way of understanding this site, a site that until recently existed only as a void in the American desert. It amplifies the existing conditions of the site weaving together the scales of human intervention with the geologic and atmospheric conditions which alter them. As the atmospheric conditions change, the project reacts and allows for a new and varied understanding. DE-VOID serves as a laboratory for understanding how we mark and use the surface of the land.
Keywords/Search Tags:Desert, Site
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