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Research On The Problems And Countermeasures Of Collecting Social Insurance Premiums For Flexible Employees In Jinhua City

Posted on:2020-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330602952326Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the background of economic restructuring and industrial restructuring,China's urban non-full-time employment,or flexible employment,has developed rapidly.As a new form of employment,flexible employment provides a large number of employment opportunities for the laid-off,unemployed and other personnel,greatly easing the employment pressure in China.At the same time,the flexible employment personnelattend social insurance,enjoy social development bonus,it is in the circumstance such as old age,disease enjoys insurance treatment to offer effective way.So,the flexible employment personnel participating in the insurance mode with its unique advantages,become an important channel to attract freelancers to participate in the insurance payment.However,with the flexible employment personnel insurance coverage of the gradual expansion of its social insurance payment problems are increasingly prominent.Unstable income,poor quality of basic information registration,lack of clear policy basis and effective management means are all practical problems that need to be solved in the current collection and payment work.Therefore,it is not only necessary for the current system to adapt to the current employment situation,but also an urgent task to improve the social security system and alleviate social pressure to carry out research on the collection and payment of social insurance premiums for flexible employees.By referring to the relevant theories and practices of social insurance premium collection and referring to the experience of flexible staff in other regions at home and abroad,this paper analyzes the existing problems and influencing factors in the process of premium collection and payment and proposes countermeasures to solve the problems.The research of this paper is mainly divided into the following parts.The first chapter is the introduction,which mainly discusses the background and significance of this paper.The second chapter is related theories,mainly including the definition of relevant concepts involved in the paper,such as the basic concept of flexible employment personnel and the theoretical basis of social insurance levy and payment of flexible employment personnel.The third chapter is the general situation of the collection and payment of social insurance premiums for flexible employees in Jinhua,including the historical evolution of the policy of collection and payment for flexible employees,the policy and process of social insurance premiums for jinhua city,and the situation of the collection and payment for flexible employees.Chapter four is the collection and payment of social insurance premiums for flexible employees and the analysis of the causes in Jinhua,including the large scale of arrears,low collection and payment efficiency,imperfect information system,policy fragmentation,etc.The reasons include flexible employment personnel themselves,government departments,information technology level,corporate responsibility,policy and system design,etc.Chapter five is the experience of Xiamen.The sixth chapter is the countermeasures and Suggestions to strengthen the collection and payment of social insurance premiums for people with flexible employment,including increasing policy publicity,improving informatization,perfecting the collection and payment system for people with flexible employment,exploring individualized and differentiated payment mode,and strictly implementing policies related to endowment insurance for farmers whose land has been expropriated.Chapter seven is the conclusion.Through the research,it provides reference and inspiration for the tax authorities to make better use of the level of tax collection and payment after the transfer of social insurance collection and management responsibilities.
Keywords/Search Tags:flexible employment, levy, social insurance
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