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The Feasibility Study Of The Phoenix International Plaza

Posted on:2020-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y JiaFull Text:PDF
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The feasibility study of the project is to analyze the social,economic,market and other factors related to the investment project according to the development planning requirements of the project location before the decision,and determine whether the project is reasonable and feasible through the study.Real estate development projects,especially commercial real estate development projects,have huge market risks due to long development and construction cycle and large investment amount.Meanwhile,real estate project development is a dynamic process,which needs to constantly adapt to the timely changes of the real estate market in the process of project implementation.Therefore,inorderto ensure the scientific rationality of the planning and positioning of real estate projects,to ensure the standard order of investment and construction,to avoid project risks in the process of project construction,and to maximize the rate of return on investment will need in the process of the early stage of the project investment planning for fully the feasibility of the project research.Through the project feasibility study,it canrealize scientific and democratic decision-making of the project,guarantee the standardization of the project decision-making process,reduce the probability of project investment decision-making errors,even provide the necessary scientific basis and referencefor the management and control in the late process of project implementation.This paper takes Phoenix International Plaza,a commercial real estate project,as an example to carry out the project feasibility study.Systematic feasibility analysis is carried out according to the steps of theoretical knowledge accumulation,basic situation investigation,demand analysis,financial analysis and benefit and risk analysis.At the same time,combined with the management decision-making system of the project owner unit,the work of the project feasibility study is decomposed through WBS and responsibility matrix in each work link,and the responsibilities and tasks are divided.This article through the social and economic development of the local project,the real estate market situation in-depth and meticulous investigation and research,combine with the resources to the project conditions,factors such as geographical location,planning index and so on.The project"Shopping Park",the advanced commercial real estate principle of ecological leisure Shopping as a development orientation for feasibility in the project.And put forward control suggestions for each link of project construction to ensure the smooth progress of the project.Then it's combined with both the economic and technical indicators of the project planning and careful economic analysis and comparative demonstration.Through the calculation of project investment,sales revenue,cash flow and financial analysis,we can get the conclusion whether the project economic indicators are feasible and how to finance and construct.Also,from the perspective of risk management,to analyzeproject social risks,market risks,management risks and financial risks.After the comprehensive and systematic analysis of the project,Phoenix International Plaza,this articledraws the conclusion:the project resources,as well as regional business planning are reasonable.It has good economic and social benefits.The project risk can be in control.The entire project development and construction are completely feasible.Ultimately,this conclusion can provide scientific decisionfor the project construction units and the decision makersof investment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Project Management, Feasibility Study, Real Estate Projects
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