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Problems And Countermeasures Of Implementing PPP In Stock Assets Projects In Chongqing

Posted on:2019-05-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330596458542Subject:Public Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Urban infrastructure is the material basis for the normal operation and healthy development of the city.At present,China's urban infrastructure still has some problems,such as insufficient total quantity,low standards,extensive operation and management.Therefore,we need to further strengthen the level of urban infrastructure construction and improve the management level of urban public services.The PPP financing mode has become the main alternative to the traditional financing mode under the influence of the important policies such as continuously strengthening local government debt control at the national level and thoroughly stripping the financing function of local platform companies.In the reform of investment and financing mode,local governments have explored PPP for new projects and accumulated rich reform experience.However,they have not explored enough PPP for stock projects and failed to give full play to PPP investment and financing mode in resolving local government debts,improving infrastructure and public service supply efficiency.Effect.In this paper,theoretical research and a large number of empirical studies are used to analyze the operation mode of stock assets,the PPP experience of stock assets projects,the key and difficult problems in the implementation of stock assets PPP projects and the situation of stock assets in Chongqing.In order to solve the problems encountered by the government in practice,the procedures,methods,modes and possible specific problems of PPP operation for stock projects should be further studied.Based on theoretical analysis,empirical research and status quo description,this paper gives the following suggestions for Chongqing to promote the implementation of PPP of stock assets:First,formulate special implementation opinions and establish a collaborative promotion mechanism.To study and formulate the implementation opinions of Chongqing on promoting the implementation of PPP operation of state-owned stock assets projects.We will transform the infrastructure and public service stock projects that meet the operating conditions of PPP into PPP projects to effectively reduce government debt.We should establish a collaborative promotion mechanism for PPP operation of state owned assets projects,and strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination.Second,clear the implementation of the project to promote the process,carry out project pilot work.The work of checking and approving the assets of state-owned stock in the area under its jurisdiction should be fully deployed.After the study and decision of the municipal government,the PPP project database of the assets of stock should be formed,the implementation plan of the project should be worked out,and the demonstration of the value for money and the financial bearing capacity should be carried out.Carry out social capital purchase according to law,and strengthen project operation management and supervision.Third,formulate rolling implementation plan.The relevant leading departments will work together with the competent departments to formulate the rolling implementation plan of the project,and propel the PPP operation of the stock assets project in an orderly manner and resolve the government debt of the stock.Finally,a dynamic evaluation mechanism is established.Establish a dynamic evaluation mechanism,focus on the implementation of the project and after-the-event evaluation,strengthen the use and management of evaluation results.
Keywords/Search Tags:stock asset project, asset securitization, PPP operation mode, Chongqing
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