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A Comparative Study Of Music Teaching In The Middle Class Of Kindergartens Between China And Canad

Posted on:2020-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C T DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2437330572999751Subject:Preschool education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kindergarten music teaching activity is a common topic in preschool research field,in recent years,the field of comparative preschool research has gradually extended.The comparative study of music teaching activities in Chinese and foreign kindergartens is mainly focused on the more developed countries such as China and America,China and Japan,and China and Germany.In Canada,a country with a multicultural social background,kindergarten music education development is relatively good.This research is based on the impact of Canadian music education culture and the reflection of kindergarten music teaching activities in China.This study is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,mainly describes the reasons for the topic,research significance and literature review at home and abroad.The second chapter is the research design,including research objectives,research methods and research ideas.The author mainly adopts comparative research method,literature research method,observation method and interview method to sort out the implementation and related policies of music teaching activities in kindergartens between China and Canada.The purpose of this paper is to find out the differences and similarities in music teaching between the two kindergartens.The third chapter is the research process,combing the music teaching policies of two kindergartens in Shanghai,China and London,Canada,combined with the teaching video and field observation of the two kindergartens in the two places,a comparative analysis is carried out.The fourth chapter is the conclusion.The author finds that the value orientation of music teaching activities in China and Canada is the same,and both attach importance to the cultivation of children's creative expression ability and the use of the natural environment,as well as the importance of games in music teaching activities.The differences are manifested in teaching methods,activity implementation links and activity materials.Based on the above comparative analysis,the author puts forward some suggestions on the implementation of music teaching activities in kindergartens in China:Teachers should change their teaching concepts and clarify their own roles in the implementation of music teaching activities;Selective expansion of teachinmethods;Set teaching objectives reasonably.The author looks forward to the development of music teaching activities in kindergartens in China.Through some of the above studies and suggestions of the Chinese and Canadian kindergarten music teaching activities,I hope that kindergarten educators can learn from some practices in Ontario,Canada,selectively on the basis of an objective understanding of the specific situation in music teaching activities in contemporary China.Learn from each other and try hard to solve the practical problems of music teaching activities in kindergartens in China.In the long past,it will promote the all-round development of music teaching activities in our country and promote the all-round development of children.
Keywords/Search Tags:music teaching, kindergarten middle class, kindergarten music teaching, comparative study
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