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A Study On The Management System Of The Upper Grades Of Primary Schools

Posted on:2019-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W L GaoFull Text:PDF
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The study of class management system is the core content of the class construction,and it is also the symbol of the class construction level,which is the strong guarantee for the formation of outstanding class group and its advancement to the high level.It is a key problem to explore the effective ways and good practice of the class management system construction to realize the mission of the school personnel training,to improve the management level and the development task of the school in the long vision.This article selects Dalian Jinzhou Dist Sanshilipu Second Primary School,and makes investigations and statistical analysis on system of the class management,and so far has summarized the current situation of the higher grades class management system in the elementary school.These are the main presenting aspects: first,the ignorance of the interpretation and grasp of the common system;second,the reality of class management system as a single isolated system.Survey data shows: first,as for whether rules for the class system is based on the rules and regulations of the school and PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS DAILY BEHAVIOR STANDARDS and REGULATIONS FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS(built "regulations for primary school students),9.3% of students agree with it,in line with 10% of the students think,14.3% students think that is basicly right,33.3% of the students think of less association between the class management system and the school rules and regulations,33.3% of the students don't understand that association and those with the others.Second,it neglects the education consciousness of the student subject,and the teacher becomes the main body of the class management system.The investigation data of subject in the class management system shows that in the aspect of the teacher in charge of correct guidance,in 1.4% of the class students are guided by the teacher and the research and formulation of the class management system is completed centering students,1.8% of the students think the teacher in charge of class is basicly qualified to guide students to actively build system of class management,3.6% of the students think this class management system was established jointly by the head teacher and students,in 59.9% of the class,the students study to develop class management system basicly not under the guidance of the head teacher,while in 33.3% of the class,class management system is set by the teacher in charge alone.Third,ignoring the democratic principle,the class management system lacks scientific concept.Survey data shows that in the aspect of democracy: 1.8% of the class management system can be generated by all students democratic consultation,2.5% of the class management system by the students' basic democratic discussions,2.9% of the class occasionally look for the opinions of the students,and let students discuss freely when making class management system,50.5% of the students said no participation in class in the form of democracy to discuss basic management system of construction,42.3% of the class management system shall be formulated by the teacher in charge alone.Fourthly,ignoring the respect and cultivation of individuation,the class management system lacks the correct education guiding function.Results shows that,in showing talent,1% of the students think that the current class management system can show their special advantages,1.8% of the students think that most of the students in the class show expertise,2.2% of students think there are a few students in the class who can play special advantage,while 44.1% students think of no basic class management system to show students special advantages,50.9% of the class management system did not show the student's special advantages.Based on this,the author puts forward the countermeasure suggestion according to the theory.The countermeasures include: first,supervise and guide the class management system;Second,improve the education management concept of the head teacher;Third,strengthen the training of the main body of the class management system;Fourthly,construct a scientific and perfect structure system of class management system;Fifth,we should build a sound evaluation system of multi-class management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:system, class management, class management system
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