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The Narrative Of The Picture Book

Posted on:2020-09-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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To discover the exception contents of the picture book considering the narrative roles in the symbols of images,this essay aims to show the self-description in the picture books as well as conclude the significance and the creation method of the self-narrative picture books by using the method of iconography and semiotics to analyze symbols from the images of 'Red Book' by Jung Carl Gustav.This essay is divided into three parts:The first chapter describes the research motivation and the theoretical and practical significance of the self-narrative picture book by analyzing the current research status of the picture book and the artistic and humanistic value of Jung's 'Red Book' to define 'self-narrative picture book'.By using the images in 'Red Book' as an example,the second and the third chapter are to analyze the visual symbols in the book,such as Salome,Elijah,and the symbolic meaning of the egg,as well as the psychological activity process of Jung's to illustrate the effectiveness of self-narrative picture books.The fourth chapter is the analysis of the elemental preferences with my own experience.According to my unique feelings of three different elements,I find my artistic discourse,which helps the creation of self-narrative picture books.
Keywords/Search Tags:picture book, self-narrative characteristic, self-personalization
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