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Research On The Acquisition Of "just Now" And Its Synonyms By Foreign Students

Posted on:2020-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330575993698Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ontological study of "Gangcai" and its synonyms has always been the focus of academic research as well as the difficulty for foreign students.This paper takes "Gangcai" and its synonyms as the research object.Based on 10 million native language corpus and 900,000 interlanguage corpus,this paper analyzes the acquisition of this group of words by international students through the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.First of all,based on the native language corpus of 10 million words and combining with the previous research results,in terms of syntax,"Gang","Cai" and "Gangcai" can be matched with progressive marker words and experiential marker words,while "Gang" and "Cai" are not."Gang","Cai" and "Gangcai" can be matched with the perfect body marker.In addition,"Gang","Cai" and"Gangcai" are also different from each other in the structure of prepositions,other adverbials of time and the collocation with negative adverbs.The differences between "Gang" "Cai" and"Ganggang" are mainly manifested in the differences in position,collocation with the verb of"willing" and collocation with the fixed structure of "first VP1 then/then/again VP2".The syntactic differences between "Ganggang" and "Gangcai" are reflected in the co-occurrence of time adjectives and negative words.In terms of semantic differences,"Gang" means the longest time interval,followed by "Car" and finally "Ganggang",while "Gangcai" means a time span of less than half a day,so it means the shortest time.In the subjective objectivity of time,"Gangcai" has the strongest objectivity,and "Cai" has the weakest objectivity.As for pragmatic differences,apart from differences in prosodic collocation and stylistic style,in sentences,"Gang" and "Cai" are generally the information focus,while "Gangcai" is followed by "VP",and "Ganggang" is both of them.Secondly,through the investigation of reference books,syllabuses and textbooks,it is found that the four commonly used textbooks are inconsistent with the syllabus and the arrangement of reference books in the setting of the words in the group.In the reference book and the outline will be "Cai" "not long ago" meaning as the first sense,but the four textbooks are not set up this sense.Similarly,"Ganggang",which appears in both the reference book and the outline,is not set in new practical Chinese and boya Chinese.In addition,the grammar items listed in the syllabus of professional studies and the syllabus of long-term study are not reflected in the textbooks.In addition,the explanation of words and the setting of exercises in textbooks are not comprehensive and diverse enough,which leads to problems in the teaching process and affects students'acquisition of this group of words.Then,based on 900,000 words of interlanguage corpus,we analyze foreign students'acquisition of this group of words.From the perspective of correct use cases,"Gang" and"Ganggang" have the highest accuracy,while "Gangcai" has the lowest accuracy.According to the comparison between native speakers and foreign students,"Gang" and "Ganggang" have the highest usage rate in the two corpora,while "Gangcai" and "Cai" have the lower usage rate.Despite the high usage rate among foreign students,the usage is relatively simple compared with native speakers.In the aspect of error use cases,as a whole,with the improvement of Chinese proficiency,the error rate of this group of words has decreased.We found four types of errors:mis addition,omission,substitution and mis ordering.But students' errors mainly focus on the mis addition and omission of "Gang" and "Ganggang".The omission and mis-addition of "Gang" are formed by the omission and mis-addition of itself and other components,while "Ganggang" is mainly caused by the mis-addition and mis-addition of other components.In addition,the generation error caused by unclear time span of "Gang" and "Gangcai" is also a type of bias with high proportion.Finally,according to the above analysis,we put forward teaching Suggestions for textbook compilation and teaching.Above all,the setting of teaching material should be consistent with outline and reference book,cannot ignore table "before long" meaning "Cai" and "Ganggang"setting.Secondly,the notes of the words should be improved,and the usage of the words should be discussed while listing the meanings.Finally,the teaching material's practice setting should set up the diversification practice as far as possible from the student's easy mistake point.In terms of teaching,we should pay attention to the hierarchical teaching of words and the explanation of relevant structures.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Gangcai", Synonym, Acquisition, Error analysis
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