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Script "Unexpected Life" And Its Creation Interpretation

Posted on:2020-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J CaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The drama "Unexpected Life" is based on the food safety and fraud insurance problems in the current society and has certain practical significance.The whole drama is divided into five acts.The curtain and the curtain are independent of each other and connected with each other.The first act mainly explained the growth background of Gu Dazhi,his relationship with Qian Youyu and his current situation of accused in the accident of food safety.The total suspense of the whole play was put forward at the end of this scene,thus promoting the development of the next story;The second act tells the truth behind the food poisoning case,and the reaction after the Qian Youyu knows the truth;The third act is about Qian Youyu is in a dilemma after confirming his wife took bribes.In the end,he chose to protect himself and come up the idea of defrauding the insurance,so that the direction of the story has suddenly turned;The fourth act is Qian Youyu's advice to Gu Dazhi,hoping that he can listen to the proposal to fraud insurance;The fifth act is the climax of the whole drama.Qian Youyu and Gu Dazhi almost squandered in the accident when they created the accident.On the occasion of life and death,Gu Dazhi learned the truth and the conflicts were further intensified.In the end,I set the open ending that brings up a bright meaning:as long as there is alive,there will always be hope.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food safety, Fraud insurance, Suspense, Open ending
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