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Research On The Treatment Of Teachers In Shandong Elementary And Middle Schools During The Republic Of China (1912?1937)

Posted on:2019-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548454528Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The treatment of teachers includes many contents,which are divided into two categories: economic treatment and mental treatment.Salaries,as a category of economic treatment,are the most important treatment for teachers.Through analyzing the salaries of teachers in primary and secondary schools in Shandong during the period of the Republic of China,the process of formulating salaries policies for Shandong teachers in primary and secondary schools is discussed in detail.Salaries policies and welfare benefits are closely related to the political and economic factors in Shandong at that time.Education and politics are closely linked.In the early years of the Republic of China,the warlords in Shandong Province fought against each other.The provincial chairmanship was frequently replaced.After six presidential appointments,each chairman took office and the government team needed to be replaced.This led to the factionalism in the education system and the erratic education policy.The salaries of primary and secondary school teachers are low and difficult to guarantee.There is no relevant welfare treatment.From 1928 to the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War,the politics in Shandong Province gradually stabilized.The provincial government has carried out a series of explorations and attempts in teacher hiring,teacher policy,etc.The salaries of teachers have increased,and welfare benefits have begun to be implemented.Education is related to economic development.Education funding refers to the actual expenditure on education in the budgets of the central and local financial departments.Education funding is the basis for the development of schools.The salaries of teachers and schools,and the construction of schools all require the support and protection of education funds.During the period of the Northern Warlords,the phenomenon of embezzlement or deduction of educational funds in Shandong often occurred,resulting in the unfavorable treatment of teachers in Shandong's primary and secondary schools.During the period of the Nanjing National Government,thefunding for education increased and salaries for primary and secondary school teachers increased.During the period of the Republic of China,Shandong primary and secondary school teachers were in a period of great change.The actual treatment of teachers was not implemented according to the ideal design.There are significant differences in treatment among different regions,public and private schools,and urban and rural schools in the province.Analysis of the treatment of teachers in different regions and different types of primary and secondary schools in Shandong provides a more indepth understanding of the status of different regions and types of teachers in Shandong.Treatment is a direct factor that affects teachers' living standards and discourse rights.In order to illustrate the influence of teacher treatment on life and education development,the social status and ordinary life of teachers in Shandong are analyzed.In the period of the Republic of China,the salaries of teachers in primary and secondary schools in Shandong were lower than those of other intellectuals,especially primary school teachers.The treatment of teachers affects people's career choices and living standards,as well as their influence on the construction of the teaching staff.
Keywords/Search Tags:the period of the Pepublic of china, Shandong Province, teacher treatment
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