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Interpretation Of Conversational Development From The Perspective Of Dissipative Structure Theory

Posted on:2019-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330548454004Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The object of this study is the structure and development of conversation.From the perspective of dissipative system,the causes of the conversational structure and the development are illustrated.Dissipative system aims to study how an open system develops from chaos into orders.A typical dissipative system has such features:openness,input of negentropy,fluctuation,feedback mechanism and nonlinear.The openness of the system is the premise of dissipative system;the input of negentropy is the energy of the dissipative system;the fluctuation and feedback mechanism are the inter mechanisms of dissipative theory and the nonlinear feature is the ultimate cause of the existence and development of dissipative system.Conversation is considered as a dissipative system.Conversation develops gradually and become orderly and structured through the input of information.Conversation is an open system,there is negentropy input from the outside environment and also conversation affects the outside.In conversation,the information is negentropy.The formation of a conversation can be attributed to information input.Information will trigger the positive feedback and fluctuation.The successive input of information drives conversation development.Different information at the same time means competition,only the information that causes positive feedback can drive the development of conversation.Finally,when there is no more information input,the conversation will come to an end.As a dissipative system,conversation proves to be structured.It provides a new perspective to the study of conversation and the interpretation of conversation development helps us have a better understanding of conversation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dissipative system, conversation structure, conversation development
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