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Back To Order

Posted on:2017-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a regression wave widely influenced in European art circle after World War I,the movement of "Return to Order" opposed extreme avantgarde art and then turned to traditional art in search of spiritual support.The research on it will helpful for know more development clues and connotations of modernism art clearly and profoundly.In addition,it will be significant enlightenment to promote the development of global modern art which includes Chinese modern art.With this aim,on the one hand,on the basis of present research achievements,the thesis has summarized originality,some representative artists and their concepts of "Return to Order" in the early of twentieth century.Thus,it hopes to make much clearer the Return's significance and value of that time.On the other hand,taking the Nabis for example,the thesis explores reference of classic art,returning tradition and the reasons in the development of European art development before World War I and compares its inner connections and differences with "Return to Order" after World War I.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Return to Order", Modern art, traditional, Classic, Nabis
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