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The Extraction Of Depressed People From The Perspective Of Situational Theory Induces Forgetting

Posted on:2018-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2434330548473854Subject:Applied Psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Retrieval-Induced Forgetting(RIF)referred to the phenomenon that retrieving some information will cause the forgetting of the related information.It is a common scene that often takes place in our daily life.The study of RIF is based on the paradigm called Retrieval-Practice Paradigm.The paradigm was divided into three phases.The first phase is the study phase during which participants studied a series of ‘category-word' pair.The second phase is the retrieval phase.Participants will retrieve half of the words from half of the categories in the first phase.The retrieved words are marked Rp+,while the words in the same category are marked Rp-,and the words in the categories not be retrieved are marked Nrp.The last phase is the test phase during which participants are asked to memories all the words studied in the first phase.The results turned out that participants remembered more Rp+ than Nrp,but less Rp-than Nrp,suggesting that the retrieval of Rp+ caused the forgetting of Rp-.The latest theory to RIF was the context theory.It suggests that RIF was caused by the exchange of context between phases.When participants tried to retrieve Rp words,participants will search in the mentally neared phase—the retrieval practice phase.So more Rp+ and less Rp-are retrieved.The research of context theory has different results,which were mainly caused by the manipulating of context.Depression is a common disorder that the patients are always in bad mood.In this study,we used depression and normal participants to check the context theory under the context of emotion.Experiment 1 and 2 checked the first assumption that the exchange of context between study phase and retrieval practice phase is necessary to RIF.Experiment 1 did not change the context while experiment 2 did.The results supported the context theory.Experiments 3 and 4 tests the second assumption that the context of the test phase must be the same with the retrieval practice phase.The results also support the context theory.At the same time,this study finds some differences between depression and normal participants.
Keywords/Search Tags:Retrieval-Induced Forgetting, Context Theory, Depression
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