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Professor Yan Xiaoping's Application Of Tonic Method To Treat Rheumatism And Discuss The Rule Of Medication

Posted on:2017-11-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2434330482984484Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
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Therapeutic principle and treatment is an important part of the basic the ory of TCM.Therapeutic principle as the principle of guidance to treat disease,is the basis,program and principle of treatment was established.Common treatment including treating both tip and root according to relax tension,regulating the Yin and Yang,strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors,different treatment for the same disease,treating different diseases with the same method,straight treatment and paradoxical treatment,acting according to time place and person.Treatment is the product under the theory of syndrome differentiation,Treatment method is established under the guidance of the principle of treatment for the pathogenesis of the disease.From the "The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic" on the detailed discussion to the "Medical Insight" on the treatment of the enlightened mind highly summarized,embodies the theory of treatment?The common methods include treatment and specific treatment,Specific treatment can be divided into internal treatment and external treatment.Treatment refers to common sweating,vomiting,and temperature,cleaning,elimination,supple mentation eight methods.The supplement method is a kind of treatment of various deficiency,by having a tonic effect of drug and food nourishing the body's Yin and Yang Qi and blood,to correct the body of Qi,blood,yin and yang asthenia and organs function decline.The supplement method has many categories.Supplementary method can be divided into direct and indirect methods,Direct supplemen tary method,including Qi and blood Yi and Yang complement method and five zang-organs complement method.Indirect fill method including Qi blood fluid and essence reinforcing method;yin and yang each breeding to achieve the yin-yang,yin-yang in the role of demand;vacuity is treated by supplementing the mother;repletion is treated by draining the child.The five viscera is to store,the six fu-organs to free.According to the physiological characteristics of the Zang-Fu organs,the supplement method can be divided into purgation-tonifying and keep-filling methods.According to the deficiency of cold and heat syndrome,Yang deficiency with temperature compensation,Yin deficiency with clear compensation.Disease order of priority,treatment has the same order of priority,thus reinforcing method can be divided into drastic supplementation or neutral supplementation.Food-supplementation cures better than medicine-supplementation,spirit supplement ation better than food-supplementation.So in addition to drug supplementation,including five kinds of diet reinforcing method,emotional reinforcement and four seasons reinforcing method.Supplement method is widely used in heart disease,kidney disease,spleen and stomach disease,liver disease,gynecopathy,skin diseases,bone damage diseases,and many other areas.In the treatment of rheumatism,supplement method also plays an important role,plays a vital role in improving and restoring.This paper summarizes the Yan Xiaoping professor on the understanding of Chinese medicine rheumatism,expounds the application Yan Xiaoping professor's supplement method of syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)treatment of common characteristics of the clinical features and treatment of rheumatism.First from the concept of "Chinese medicine rheumatism" professors Yan Xiaoping,expounded the origin of name of disease,and compared with western medicine rheumatism the brief.Etiology and path ogenesis:Professor Yan Xiaoping thinks that the vital qi deficiency is the inherent condition of TCM rheumatism disease,Such as cold,dampness and heat evil is the external cause of disease,meanwhile putting forward“the theory of transformation".She believes that the occurrence and development of the disease is dynamic change,pathogenic factors same,"transformati on vary,cold forming with yin,heat forming with yang.In the aspect of identify pattern,professor Yan Xiaoping emphasizes the combination of eight principles pattern identification which include "yin-yang" "vacuity and repletion" "exterior and interior" "cold and heat",organ pattern identification and disease cause pattern identification.But the highlight is given priority to organ pattern identification.In identify patterns and administer treatment of rheumatism,to analysis the relationship be tween kidney,liver,spleen,lung,heart and rheumatism,proposing supplementing the kidney and strengthening bone,nourishing the liver and luxuriating the sinew,the spleen treating the fortifying as supplementing;supplementing the lung is mean to diffuse and downbear lung qi.As to heart,she proposes that we should nourish heart yin,warm and supplement heart yang,supplement heart qi to promote circulation of blood,and so on.Professor Yan Xiaoping working on medicine for decades,has accumulated rich clinical experience,in the treatment of rheumatism and other difficult diseases has a her unique thought of theory,put forward a thought of administering treatment according to pattern,the thought is that "there is the pattern,choosing the formula,using the reasonable medicine."I follow the teacher study for three years,benefit a lot,have the privilege of analysis summary the teacher's treatment experience of rheumatism,such as Ankylosing spondylitis,Sjogren Syndrome and SAPHO syndrome.I will describe it from the pathogenesis,the therapeutic principle and treatment to the real case.Application of supplementary method in the treatment of Ankylosing spondy litis:Professor Yan Xiaoping believes that the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease is root vacuity and tip repletion.The pathogenesis of kidney and governing vessel empty,wind cold dampness attack,evil obstruct meridian,endogenous phlegm and blood stasis,coupled with cold dampness of the evil injury of the bone tendon damage,leading to the spasm of the tendons,ankylosis fail to materialize,cold dampness of the evil heat from the yang,some patients can be manifested as joint swelling and heat pain,dry mouth,thirst,heat syndrome.According to the characteristics of the disease,Yan Shi proposed ankylosing spondylitis should be based on cold and heat pattern identification,divided into pattern of kidney vacuity and governing vessel cold or pattern of kidney vacuity and damp-heat.The former one should supplement kidney and governing vessel,dispel wind,dissipate cold and eliminate dampness.The later one should supplement kidney and governing vessel,clear heat and transform dampness.Application of supplementary method in treatment of Sjogren syndrome:Professor Yan Xiaoping believes that the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease is yin deficiency representing root,dryness-heat representing tip.As to treatment,we should supplement kidney,clear heat,foster yin.On the basis of supplementing kidney and fostering yin,assist supplementing and warming kidney yang' s medicine to promote the kidney yang's growth;focus on clearing heat and fostering yin,assisting engenders liquid and moistening dryness,forbidding to use cold and bitterness.At the same time for long illness obstruct vessels and networks,inhibit movement of qi 4 and blood,so we should regulate lung and spleen,adjusting quickening the blood and freeing the network vessels.Professor Yan Xiaoping pointed out that SAPHO syndrome is named after a group of symptoms group,which consists of Synovitis,Acne,Pustulosis,Hyperostosis and Osteitis.SAPHO syndrome is relatively rare.Its essence is still root vacuity and tip repletion.Outside of liver and kidney deficiency,cold dampness evil,evil influence of heat from the yang,the endogenous blood stasis hot poison,is characterized by joint pain,synovitis,impetigo,etc.Therefore,should with nourishing liver and kidney in the treatment,quickening the network vessels and disinhibiting the joints,resolving toxin and disinhibiting dampness,regulating lung and spleen.Cutaneous lesions in the acute phase is given priority to,should been used,clearing heat and disinhibiting dampness,cooling the blood and resolving toxin.In the remission stage,should strengthen the liver and kidney tonic.
Keywords/Search Tags:supplementation, rheumatism, method of treatment, therapeutic principle, Ankylosing spondylitis, Sjogren syndrome, SAPHO syndrome
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