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HNEC Market Development Strategy In Bangladesh Power Sector

Posted on:2019-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330572955750Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the Belt and Road Initiative and the idea of working together to build a community of shared future for mankind,as well as the shrinking domestic market,it is imperative for power construction enterprises to "going global".“Six corridors and six roads,multi-country and multi-port” is the theme framework for joint construction of the “Belt and Road”.As an important fulcrum of the “Belt and Road”,Bangladesh is an important part of the “China-India-Bangladesh-Myanmar Economic Corridor” and a strategic market for HNEC.Through analysis of current development status of HNEC's overseas power market,it was found that HNEC actively responded to the national “going global” strategy,and began to set foot in the construction of overseas power station projects and power transmission line and substation projects as early as the 1990 s.HNEC has rich practical experience in overseas engineering and master of international management practices and guidelines with a group of international engineering management talents.However,there are still many problems in the current Bangladesh market development work: Low-end business model.Most of the projects undertaken by the company over the years were subcontracted from platform companies within POWERCHINA group as well as window companies,lacking EPC achievements.Lack of abilities and resources to develop markets independently.It was basically of by making use of a partner's resources with limited profit margin.Single international business structure and weak risk resistibility.Overseas contracting achievements were mainly thermal power and power transmission line and substation projects.The concept is insufficient of deep and diversified development of the market.It is vulnerable to the change of economic cycle and international market.This paper takes the problem of HNEC market development problems in Bangladesh as breakthrough point.Through research on power market in Bangladesh,the paper applies theoretical research,practice investigation and other methods to analyze the market positioning,project selection and access methods of HNEC power market development in Bangladesh based on related theories of international marketing as follows: submitting competitive bids with integrated resources,pulling EPC contract by investment,and localization marketing and localization management service.In order to further ensure the implementation of market development strategy,the following strategic safeguard measures are provided: capital and technology,organization and personnel,and performance and risk safeguard measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Power construction enterprise, Bangladesh, Market development strategy
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