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Mongolia Gobi Cashmere Enterprise's Foreign Trade Logistics

Posted on:2018-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X E R D E N E B A T A L T Full Text:PDF
GTID:2429330548480421Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Gobi cashmere enterprise in Mongolia,established in 1981 by the government of Mongolia and the Japanese government,has operated for 30 years since its opening to the present day.Mongolia uses cashmere products from ancient times,and Mongolia cashmere has a long history.After any country has made a product for a long time,this product is part of the country's culture,so it ranks first in Mongolia.Gobi's cashmere production accounts for 30%of Mongolia's total,almost as much as 1/3 of Mongolia.Mongolia is a suitable country for the development of cashmere industry,because of the high level of raw material resources,large land area,geographical advantages.Cashmere has high value in the world,known as"fiber diamond" and "soft gold"".Cashmere produces a lot of countries in the world.Among them,China,Mongolia,Iran,Afghanistan,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Pakistan,Turkey and other countries cashmere production is the largest.China is the largest producer of cashmere in the world,accounting for more than 70%of the world's total output;Mongolia produces about 20%cashmere,and a small part of cashmere production in the rest of the country.Gobi's cashmere production accounts for another 30%of Mongolia's cashmere production.The average cashmere output of Gobi company is 1000-1100 tons per year.Cashmere enterprises are engaged in more than 20 state-owned enterprises in Mongolia,.Most of the cashmere enterprises of 20%to 30%of the highest output is Gobi company.Gobi in the international cashmere production,production and export potential of Gobi's ability than other countries cashmere enterprises is not so high,Gobi companies improve cashmere exports in this case,it is important to improve the enterprise's production potential.The first chapter is the introduction,the second chapter is the introduction of the theory and method,the third chapter is the analysis of the international trade,the main export commodities of cashmere is the most appropriate national studies and Gobi company of domestic and foreign study on the optimization of logistics system,the fourth chapter is Mongolia's cashmere trade logistics problems and decide the way,fifth the chapter is the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cashmere Company of Gobi company, logistics system, cashmere enterprise
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