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The Agricultural Production Promotion Commission And Rural Economy In The War Of Resistance Against Japan

Posted on:2019-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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After the outbreak of the full-scale anti-Japanese war,increasing agricultural pro duction to meet the needs of military and civilian food has become one of the m ost important.Because Agricultural Extension can increase production,improve the rural economy,and even improve the living standards of farmers by spreading a gricultural science and technology to farmers,it is important in in the anti-Japane se war.However,the division of agricultural research and agricultural extension w as still vague in that time,and the efforts on agricultural extension in the period of pre-war basically failed.Therefore,the central government decided to establish the Agricultural Production Promotion Commission in May 1938,which is respons ible for coordinating the country's agricultural promotion and promoting agricultura 1 production.This also means that the four major departments of agricultural admi nistration,agricultural research,agricultural extension,and agricultural finance have each assumed responsibility in the agricultural and forestry organizations of the National Government.After the establishment of the Agricultural Production Promotion Commission,i n line with the principle of "consisting in both specimens and specimens," it has actively established agricultural extension organizations on the one hand,and estab lished the central committee(the agricultural production promotion commission)-provinces(agricultural extension committees/promotion departments/promotion cours es/promotion departments,etc.provincial agricultural promotion association,breedin g station)-district(agricultural extension coaching district)-county(county agric ultural extension institute,county agricultural extension association,experimental c ounty)-township(village farmers association),which is a more complete promotio n system.In order to ensure this system work effectively,the Agricultural Producti on Promotion Commission has specially formulated a corresponding promotion sup ervision regime to strengthen the supervision and guidance of promotion organizati ons at all levels.The operation of the organization ultimately depends on the pro motion of the promotion staff,so the Agricultural Production Promotion Commissi on also attaches great importance to the cultivation of talents.It actively assisted agricultural colleges in cultivating professional talents,and also organized various short-term trainings to meet special needs during the war.On the other hand,in order to increase production rapidly,the Agricultural Production Promotion Commi ssion cooperated with central and local agencies to make specific agricultural pro motion issues,such as crop promotion,improved technologies,and proomotion of f armer sideline,through the ways of funding grants,talent support,and technical a ssistance.According to the plan of the Agricultural Production Promotion Commission,th e country's agricultural extension business will gradually work through its designe d promotion system,but it was not until the last reorganization of the Agricultura 1 Production Promotion Commission in 1944 that this ideal has not been realized.Because in the process of agricultural extension,there are not only problems suc h as disorderly organization,insufficient funding,shortage of personnel,lack of m aterials,and uncertainty in the central business,but also the external political envi ronment,social and economic conditions,and frequent natural disasters all impede d the development of agricultural promotion.However,this does not negate the m erits of the Agricultural Production Promotion Commission.In the wartime special environment,it has built a relatively systematic system of agricultural extension,and has carried out large-scale assistance to local government.The promotion of t horoughbred breeding and the prevention and control of pests and diseases have,t o a certain extent,alleviated the problem of food shortages in wartime.After the end of the war,the agricultural extension it promoted have been extended to a ce rtain extent in Taiwan.
Keywords/Search Tags:the agricultural production commission, Rural Economy, agricultural extension
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