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Research And Implementation Of Deception Honeynet Environment Orchestration System Based On Cloud Computing

Posted on:2021-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P MeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330632462803Subject:Information security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development and wide application of Internet technologies such as big data,cloud computing and artificial intelligence,the world is becoming more digital and intelligent.In recent years,the deep integration of the Internet,economy,and life,and cyberspace security issues have become increasingly serious.The emergence of endless and intelligent network attack methods has made the defense system increasingly difficult.Honeynet as an active defense technology deserves attention.However,the current deployment of honeynets faces many problems:honeynets based on existing technologies are limited by physical resources and cannot build complex,large-scale honeynet environments;honeynets are difficult to expand,have complex configurations,and have inflexible deployment.defect.The thesis studies the orchestration mechanism of honeynet in cloud computing environment according to the above issues,proposes a framework for orchestrating honeynet environment based on cloud computing,and designs and implements a visual orchestration system for deceiving honeynet.The main contents of the thesis are as follows:1.Propose a framework for spoofing honeynet environment based on cloud computing.From the description of the deception honeynet environment,to the DAG modeling of the orchestration system,to the generation of the workflow language,the deception honeynet environment is finally built in the cloud environment.2.Propose a description of the deceiving honeynet environment based on the TOSCA standard.Describe the spoofed honeynet environment with a service template,define a model for a single resource,define a complete structured spoofed honeynet environment through the combination of independent resources,and generate a spoofed honeynet environment description package.3.Propose DAG modeling of the deception honeynet environment orchestration system.Introduce the task of orchestration objects of composite applications in deception honeynet environment.Introduce DAG for workflow modeling,and abstract the instantiation tasks into points.Relations are abstracted as edges,and they are studied from three aspects:modeling ideas,modeling mechanisms,and modeling processes.4.Propose a workflow generation algorithm based on DAG,introduce business process management technology,and realize the life cycle management of deceiving honeynet environment by means of workflow.The algorithm takes DAG as input,and based on the tags in the BPEL2.0 specification,defines the business process that deceives the honeynet environment reconstruction,and generates a business process execution language BPEL document.5.BPEL local parallel scheduling is proposed to realize real-time aggregation and local parallel execution of business processes that deceive the honeynet environment,and improve deployment efficiency.6.Design and implement a deception honeynet environment orchestration system.The system implements the functions of descriptive honeynet environment description document construction,DAG modeling,workflow generation,and cloud access,and designs a security situation assessment subsystem for the deceptive honeynet environment.The dissertation builds a web-based deceptive honeynet environment orchestration system,builds a deceived honeynet environment topology by dragging and dropping,and tests the functions and performance of the deceptive honeynet environment orchestration system.The experimental results show that the system is easy to use and feasible.
Keywords/Search Tags:deception honeynet, cloud computing, resource orchestration framework, business process execution language, dag
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