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Developing Applications Based On Small Programs And Systems For Field Crop Management On Smart Phones

Posted on:2019-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K PengFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The application of smart phones in the field crop production management is of great significance for promoting the modernization of agricultural and rural areas in China,promoting the transformation of agricultural production and management mode,and improving the construction of basic public facilities and service facilities in rural areas.With the rapid development of agricultural information technology,the application of smart phones in agricultural production management has received more and more social attention and attention.Smart phones will certainly become an indispensable assistant for the development of agriculture towards high quality,high yield and high efficiency.The combination of smart phones with high penetration rate,powerful functions and portability and agricultural planting before,during and after production will make it more convenient for people to have access to agricultural management information,and also facilitate the transformation of traditional agriculture into knowledge-based,technical and intelligent modern agriculture.At present,most of the operating procedures of the field crop management query APP applied on the market are complex.In view of this problem,the field crop management small programs and system applications of smart phones implement the system design on the Android side and the server side respectively.System design is available for user query crop cultivation techniques,crop type,plant diseases and insect pests prevention method,fertilization,irrigation,seed varieties,pesticide use,at the same time,both words,pictures,video information release and evaluation function,can quickly achieve advanced technology popularization and the broad masses of farmers to agricultural management information consulting.This paper mainly introduces the realization process of the development and application of small programs and systems based on the field crop management of smart phones,and presents the realization principle and flow chart of the functions of crop query,management guidance,policy mastery,consultation and service,technology application and data maintenance.More directly to the agricultural science and technology information and the information into the hands of the farmers,for farmers know,grasp the key points of crop management,has opened up a new way,compared with traditional media such as television,radio,more convenient,flexible,out-of-the-box,implementation of science and technology to help farmers,also offers a new carrier for agricultural information management,to make a contribution to the rapid realization of agriculture modernization.
Keywords/Search Tags:crops, Smart phone,information query, Small program
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