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Technology Governance Of Big Data Technology

Posted on:2018-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y YuanFull Text:PDF
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Big data refers to data sets that are massive,upsurging,complex and constantly changing,high-speed and with a great variety,profound and widely influential that traditional technology,methods,tools and thinking mode is inadequate to store,mine,analyze and process them.Big data technology is the technology in developing,utilizing and spreading the big data.Such technology enables us to research,judge and predict the future,assists us and improves our ability in decision-making,taps and develops potential,and fulfills timely and accurate analysis.In other words,big data technology emerges and is changing our thinking,life,learning and career,which not only is a technology innovation but also marks the beginning of a new era.From this point,it is pressing to conduct effective governance on big data technology.The scientific and technological governance theories emerging in recent years are inevitable choices for us to conduct effective governance on big data technology.From the point of view of development path,we have mainly experienced three stages: scientific governance,technological governance,scientific and technological governance.However,such governance is in essence the application and extension of public governance theory in the field of science and technology.From the perspective of practice mode,it involves different modes including polycentric governance and multi-layer governance;if we see from the governance subjects,it involves government,science and technology organizations,civil society and multiple subjects;while considering governance performance,it plays an important part in making full use of and efficient governance on big data technology.Some achievements have been made in scientific and technological governance on big data technology,however such governance has also many problems,such as separation of isolated information island,ethical concerns possibly caused by big data technology,related legal issues,lagging technology policies,limited function of science and technology organizations,impossibility of building an effective multi-governance system.Such problems are not only attributable to big data technology,but also to the problems existing in the policy,system and regime when conducting the scientific and technological governance,which objectively impede development,popularization,application and governance of big data technology.Considering the problems mentioned above,the next step should be to focus on connection of isolated information islands,to penetrate the ethical values into application of big data technology in practice by means of internal and external mechanisms,to make sure that government,science and technology organizations,citizens and other governance subjects play their parts by introducing laws,regulations,science and technology policies,to build a multi-layer and multi-governance system which is fully decentralized and participated by multiple parties.
Keywords/Search Tags:Big data technology, Governance of science and technology, Advises
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