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Research On Cultural And Creative Industry Of The Non-State-Owned Museums In Henan Province

Posted on:2020-12-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X XiFull Text:PDF
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Since the reform and opening-up,China has undergone very fast social and economic development and the people's living standards has improved dramatically.As was pointed out by the report of the 19 th CPC National Congress,the main conflicts in our society have become the conflicts between the growing needs of the people and the imbalance and incompleteness of the development.Among them,the imbalance and incompleteness of the cultural development stands out.Henan Province,distinctive for her dense population and the economic role played in central China,is also bestowed upon by history affluent cultural resources.But she has unable to soar on the path of cultural development.There remains a significant gap between her and eastern provinces.Museum is a non-profit institution built to serve people and society in general,by providing cultural services to all.It is irreplaceable in modern cultural public service system and plays an important role in cultural development of our nation.Recently,with great importance attached to the museum development by Henan government,non-state-owned museums see their chance.Inside the province,non-state-owned museums grows not only in quantity,variety,also in social benefits and cultural influence.Among them,the Cultural and Creative Industries(CCI)reveals its magnificent potential.The benefits of CCI development are manifold.Developing CCI fits the requirement of building a socialist cultural powerhouse,brings new energy in the cultural development,spurs the economic growth,and brings both economic and social benefits to the development of non-state-owned museums itself.However,problems surface as more research has been done into the non-state-owned museum CCI development: its development awareness,the model it adopts,the level of the development,its manpower input and capital investment,and its operating conditions.Weak awareness from the districts,contradicting policies,supporting policies not been put in place,poor talent-introduction mechanism,shortage of operating funds,lack of R&D competitiveness,among others,all dampen the momentum of CCI development in Henan's non-state-owned museums.It is in those aspects that more researches need taken to find break points.Based on the current state and the problems surfaced in the development of non-state-owned museum CCI inside Henan Province,this thesis uses SWOT as tool to analyze the economic behavior of CCI.STRENGTHS: acknowledge the achievement reached so far by non-state-owned museums in Henan Province,richness of the cultural resources,diversity of cultures from different district,and flexible forms of fund-raising and cooperation.WEAKNESSES: uneven states of venues,neglect of development planning,lack of special funds for CCI,and the deficiency of talents,etc.OPPORTUNITIES: steady growth of social economics,growing need for cultural and spiritual need of the people,extra attention attached by the national strategic policies,along with successful cases of CCI from both inside and outside the country,all of which nurtures the development of non-state-owned museum CCI in Henan Province.THREATS: unreasonable supervision from the government,imbalance from different districts and impact from other cultural industries,etc.It is well-known by the public that economy is the foundation for the development of non-state-owned museums.It is made clear by SWOT analysis that CCI is a double-edged sword for non-state-owned museums' development.With all the weaknesses and threats,CCI must be handled with caution.Otherwise,CCI could be the downfall of non-state-owned museums which are at their start-up phase.Upon facing the current state of the non-state-owned museums in Henan Province along with their problems,with the help of the analysis tool SWOT,deeper discussions are needed as to whether it is appropriate for non-state-owned museums in Henan Provinces to go all-in on developing its CCI.If indeedit is to go on step by step,which types of non-state-owned museum can go on without much change,and which are needed for adjustment,so they can suit the development momentum better?More strategies and suggestions are raised from the point of view of notions,policies,human resources,funds,and technologies,etc.specially adapted,more specifically for non-state-owned museum CCI in Henan Province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Non-state-owned museum, cultural and creative industry, Henan Province, SWOT analysis, social benefits
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