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Design And Implementation Of Campus Health Check System Based On Mobile

Posted on:2019-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H XiongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330548468281Subject:Modern educational technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The current campus examination system is a school health teacher who collec ts statistics on the morning registration form filled in by each class teacher every day.The operation is complicated and error-prone.It is impossible to accurately measure the student's personal condition.The manual registration information is no t transmitted in a timely manner,and the class teacher reports the morning check to the history situation is not easy to control.With the current rich information technology,the development of the information age needs to make full use of inf ormation technology to solve practical problems in the field of education.This res earch bases on the deep application level of campus morning check statistics,and researches and collates the existing literature on the characteristics and needs of the actual campus morning check,and on the study of designing campus health c heck system with a better statistical reporting mechanism.A system implementatio n method based on statistical reporting by the mobile terminal and combined with web-based management analysis,and an analysis of the statistical reporting mode 1 of the campus health examination system;and corresponding improvement princi ples for the traditional campus morning inspection management;followed by Syste m design,including system function description and overall system architecture;fi nal demonstration and analysis of the feasibility of campus health check system.The campus health check system designed and developed according to the system has high scientificity and operability,can effectively help schools conduct the sta tistical report of morning inspections,providing an efficient and standardized morn ing check for campus safety and health education management.The software has effectively improved the current situation that the campus's morning inspection ma nagement operations are inefficient and the reporting is not timely,providing a m obile-based implementation solution for scientific and convenient morning check st atistics reporting.The research mainly includes the following five aspects.The first part:Introduction.The research background and significance of the campus morning check are described,which are based on the problems existing i n the existing campus morning check at home and abroad,the research contents,research objectives and research methods are explored in this study.The second part:research foundation.Starting from the conceptual interpretati on of the campus morning check,based on the basic theory of campus public he alth prevention,basic education management facilities and the "dual track" combin ation.Finally,the statistical reporting model of the campus health examination sys tem was analyzed,and the types of statistics that were not included in the traditi onal form of the morning examination were listed,including abnormal comparison,early warning of infectious diseases,and backtracking of the disease;putting for ward some improvement principles for this system which are precise reporting,fle xible adjustment of options,and visual status display.The third part:Analysis and design of campus health check system.The syst em function description and the overall system architecture will be analyzed,also explored the main functional modules of the campus health examination system.T he writer will work to reporting mechanisms,and representative modules which in cludes the abnormal situation trend module,the morning inspection report ranking module,infectious disease summary module,and morning inspection setting mod ule,etc.The fourth part:The development and implementation of campus health chec k system.The system is mainly divided into two major blocks,namely mobile an d Web.The mobile terminal reports the morning check data through the smart ph one,and the web terminal mainly checks and manages the morning check data.T he Web side of the system is based on Python language programming.The desig n of the front end relies on vue.js.The development of the application program u ses the Django framework.It provides the implementation of several important ma nagement display function modules for the campus health examination system.Str ong technical support,including the morning inspection overview,the morning che ck,the sick students,and the morning check settings.The morning check overvie w,the morning check and the sick students' modules all use a visual display effe ct,allowing the data uploaded by the mobile terminal to be managed.The mornin g check setting module is also specially setted up to add the optional adjustment function of the morning check item and the morning check reporting time to mak e the whole management more flexible.The entire system uses the teacher's mobi le terminal as the front of the system's information exchange.The mobile terminal used in this study that mainly uses the Android operating system,focusing on th e development of several functional modules for statistical reporting,including mo ruing inspection reports and morning inspections,analysis.The teacher then collect s and edits the data information,and the mobile and web end communicate via t he GPRS technology.The morning check data is reported and transmitted to the web.The operation is easy to learn and use.The advantages of the smart phone also make the morning check data statistics accurately and report more efficiently.Finally,the system has tested two parts of the functional modules.Part V:Summary and prospect.The main contents of the research were sum marized systematically,and the characteristics of the design and development of t he morning inspection system were described.At the same time,the existing prob lems were analyzed and the next step of improvement were pointed out.In general,this study begins with the understanding of the significance of the campus examination and the theoretical basis of the relevant campus examination s,and aims to improve the statistical reporting mechanism of the existing campus examinations,which is conducive to the efficiency of the campus morning exami nation statistics reporting.Effectively regulated the process of school-related mana gers' data exchange on the campus morning check to promote the improvement of campus morning check results and changing the concept and method of statistical reporting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Campus Health Check System, Design, Implementation, Django, Mobile, Android
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