Mobile News APP,as one of the main portals for current users to read news and obtain information,has a large user base.However,while users enjoy the convenience of digital reading,they also put themselves at risk of potential privacy violations.The permission to install mobile application software is an interface for developers to obtain user privacy.The empirical study of the privacy intrusion risk of mobile news app adopts a quantitative analysis research method.This research extracts 30 samples of mobile news app of Android system version,and places their installation rights to the two dimensions of privacy violation and authorization risk to conduct the classification statistics of privacy violation risk and set it as an independent variable.The information attributes of mobile news applications--"polymerizability" and "verticality" are taken as dependent variables.The statistical data is then entered into SPSS 19.0 for a chi-square test to analyze whether the risk of privacy violation is related to the information attributes of the mobile news app.According to the statistics and analysis of the data,it is found that not only the legitimate rights in the mobile news app have the potential to be violated by the privacy,but also “verticality” in legitimate authority is significantly related to the risk of invasion of privacy,In addition,“polymerizability” have an impact on the risk of privacy invasion to some extent.The mobile news app application market should upgrade the quality of content,consider the dignity of user information,and speed up the construction of privacy and security risk assessment system.Users should enhance their own awareness of privacy protection.Government should improve the legal system for privacy protection. |