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Design And Implementation Of Web-based City Integrated Data Management Platform

Posted on:2018-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of the information age,the disadvantages of the old urban management methods are gradually highlighted,the management efficiency is low,coverage is small,and the way to obtain information is single.Integrated data management platform of city came into being as a new way of planning management.Smart city uses information technology to plan all kinds of resources in the whole city,which can improve the efficiency of government management,enhance the people's happiness index,and promote the further informatization and wisdom of the city.Smart city construction is an important part of the city's competitive development,and has a great role in promoting the comprehensive competitiveness of the city and the promotion of the attractiveness.Integrated data management platform of city in XX District is developed to improve the degree of the informatization of government office.It provides government staffs with a portal website for dynamic planning and management of XX area,and a background management service for relevant management and maintenance personnel.According to the characteristics that the system needs to meet,this paper describes the design and development of the smart city operation planning system from the perspective of system requirements and software design.In demand analysis process,according to the characteristics of the function,the function of the smart city operation planning system is divided into five major functions: GIS display function,list display function,query function,import function and export function.GIS display function display XX city operation comprehensive database system,the system contains a number of thematic modules,this paper is only involved in population,case,real estate three thematic modules.List display function display detailed record corresponding topics in the center of the page list(paging display),the default to display the number of records in the region,when choosing the right street or area,showing the streets or areas of the record.The query function displays multiple combination query boxes for each module.According to the multiple conditions,the query meets the requirements of the record and lists it.Import function is to import the Excel form,in the form according to the database table in the column agreement,write the corresponding records,and then in the front page select Excel document,to the background to save to the database.The export function is to export the corresponding records after the query or list display,which is used for subsequent processing operations of users.Integrated data management platform of city using Java language development,using the Spring framework,Struts framework,Hibernate framework and Ajax technology.Spring framework is a widely used excellent Web framework.Spring provides a medium injection programming method,which needs to inject the predetermined Action at the top of the function,and then manage and invoke the business logic.The framework of MVC architecture Struts is a mainstream,the framework mainly uses Servlet and JSP technology.Hibernate encapsulates the object of JDBC,so that developers can use the object programming idea to check the database.SSH framework has strong applicability and good robustness,and can be used as the first choice for Web application development.Oracle supports distributed database and distributed processing.The Oracle database has portability,compatibility and connectivity.High performance transaction database,its support for multiple users.Ajax is a Web front-end development technology is powerful and widely used.In the design and implementation,with the function module as the unit,the software real estate module,population module,case module design and implementation process are described in detail.The interaction between front and back is the emphases and difficulty in the process of development.In front of the system back to the request is sent AJAX requests,the system pages into independent parts and mutual interaction,so it is necessary to achieve the corresponding asynchronous request,not every time reloading the whole page.In the end of this paper,through the analysis of the test results,it shows that the smart city operation planning system meets the needs of users for the core function,and meets the needs of reliability,stability and ease of use.
Keywords/Search Tags:Integrated data management platform, SpringMVC Framework, JSP, AJAX
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