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The Exploration And Application On Historical Events In History Teaching Of Senior High School

Posted on:2020-09-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XuFull Text:PDF
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The New History Course Reform oughts to take it as a fundamental task to adhere to the morality education and make the nurturing of core capability as a major goal.That means more efforts should be made in establishing historical settings in the process of history instruction.Pleasurable,vibrant,and edifying,historical events correspond to the requirements of the New History Course Reform and the psychological need of the high school students,holding great significance to the History Course teaching in senior high school.Up to date,the teaching of historical events is mostly being employed by junior high school,whereas in senior high school,due to the pressure for instruction time and admission into higher education,most of the front-line educators choose to either downplay the methodology of historical event teaching or obtain poor results after using it.The situation can be contributed to the inability of educators to explore the didactic meaning of historical events,choose the righteous events,or even stick to the mistaken value judgements.To give the historical event to its full play in History Course teaching of senior high school,this article,based upon the research of its predecessors and combined with personal thoughts on teaching experience,is designed to study the tactics in which the historical events are being used in History Course teaching of senior high school.The main ideas are as follows.First of all,the article states the background,meaning of the topic selection,and the research realities so as to suggest the value of launching the research.Meanwhile,the necessary arrangements and summarization of the previous achievements and the conclusion of faults in current research in this field have also been made in hope of providing the resources of reference.Second,following the systematic analysis of connotation,categories and its role in History Course teaching of senior high school using the literature and case-study methodology,there is a conclusion that the historical events teaching matches with the all-round thinking cultivation and the core capability nurturing,Third,this article means to resolve originations issue of historical events materials,study the channels and principles of the historical events exploration,and propose the exploring strategies.The author believe that the historical events should be collected from instruction textbook,masterpieces,newspaper,Internet and so on,which advises the exploring strategies of the historical events in many perspectives such as in-class textbook reading,extracurricular knowledge-enlarging,and the importance of accumulation and the set-up of learning package.This part is deemed as the key part of innovation for the research since there have been very few channels and tactics related to the exploration of historical events due to the prior focus on the practice of event-teaching.Last but not least,this article introduces the case of “Active Ideological Situation in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty” and adopts the methodology of practice research to analyze the employment of historical events senior high school,and reflect the teaching case through observation method.The author believe that one of the effective ways to launch history teaching in high school is that teachers with desire to update his knowledge should act as a guider,take the abundant and systematic historical events teaching as a channel,and unfold the second-class courses in rural areas.By and large,exploring the historical events and employing the methodology history teaching in high school can not only secure the normal history teaching,but also plays an indispensable part in many aspects,including the inherence of human civilization,the implementation of morality education,and the development of quality education.
Keywords/Search Tags:history teaching in senior high school, historical events, core capability, exploration, employment
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