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A Comparative Study Of The Contents Of Science History In Chinese And American High School Physics Textbooks

Posted on:2021-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L LiFull Text:PDF
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With the continuous development and progress of science education,some scholars have made in-depth research on the educational value of science history.Since the1980 s,the wave of basic education reform has sprung up all over the world.People have put their eyes on the curriculum reform which can best reflect the basic education reform.As we all know,textbook is the product of curriculum reform.If we want to highlight the importance of the education of science history in the curriculum reform,we should combine the education of science history with the textbook organically,and take the textbook as the carrier to reflect the education of science history.Based on the important position and role of the history of Science in physics teaching,it has become an important measure of curriculum reform to integrate it into middle school physics textbooks.In order to understand the characteristics of the textbook integrating into the history of science,this paper uses the methods of literature research,content analysis and comparative research to make a comparative study on the compulsory series of physics textbooks for senior high schools in China and the mainstream high school physics textbook physics: Principles and problems in the United States.Based on the relevant research of domestic and foreign scholars,this paper summarizes the research on the education of the history of Science in the relevant science textbooks,and summarizes the previous comparative research tools for the content of the history of Science in the physics textbooks.Combined with their reflection and suggestions,this paper selects the research tool scale suitable for this research,and takes the scale as the research tool to carry out the surface from thearrangement of the content of the history of Science in the textbooks Based on the results of the above comparative analysis,the conclusions and suggestions of this study are put forward as follows:(1)At present,the content of science history in the compulsory series of Physics Textbooks of senior high school in China is well arranged,but the content of science history of each subject is not uniform.It is suggested to narrow the gap between the distribution of the number of subjects and weigh the choice of the content of the history of science under each subject;(2)The content of scientific history presented in the form of text,pictures,columns and notes is good,and the content of scientific history in exercises is less.It is advisable to increase the content of scientific history in the exercise part,reduce the proportion of annotation part,and transform part of it into other presentation methods;(3)In our country,we pay more attention to the teaching of new knowledge,the expansion of students' vision and the supplement of relevant knowledge,but we lack the scientific history content of the teaching function of learning activity environment.It is suggested that the content of science history should be added to the learning activities in the future textbook compilation;(4)The content of the history of Science in Chinese textbooks well reflects the limitations,foresight,temporality and accumulation of scientific knowledge under the nature of science,but not the unity.It is suggested that the contents of the history of science should be appropriately added in the compilation of textbooks in the future;(5)The contents of the history of Science in Chinese textbooks comprehensively reflect the dimensions of creativity,positivity,logical inference and openness in the scientific process under the nature of science;(6)The content of the history of Science in the textbooks of our country is not comprehensive enough to reflect the level of scientific cause under the nature of science,which highlights the level of individual scientists and STS,but hardly reflects the dimension of scientific groups and ethics.It is advisable to appropriately increase the content of the scientific history of the collective achievements of scientists or the influence and cooperation among scientists,as well as the content of the scientific history of science and politics,religion,equipment,technology and scientific development.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school physics, Textbooks, The history of science, comparative analysis
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