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The Research Of Situated Questions In Middle School's Reading Assessment

Posted on:2021-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L YaoFull Text:PDF
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In the literacy-oriented curriculum system,the ability of memorizing knowledge has been unable to meet the evaluation needs of education.Moreover,the middle school students has gradually entered the professional reading stage.This stage requires students to learn to use the professional reading knowledge and skills to understand new texts,and even use the new information to solve practical problems.At present,now the domestic reading questions cannot satisfy the professional reading learning's assessment.However,there are some international reading assessment projects,such as PISA and PIRLS,which have begun to use situated questions to evaluate students' reading literacy.The design and development of situated tasks will bring the reform to Chinese reading education.Based on literacy-oriented education,this research uses literature research method and case analysis method to sort out the theories related to real reading behaviors.And analyzes the experience of assessment projects.The research specifically discussed three questions.No.1 why we need situated tasks in the reading assessments;No.2 what is the important qualities of reading situated questions;No.3how to design situated tasks.Chapter One draws conclusions about the reading literacy by analyzing real reading behaviors and combining the experience of reading teaching in the curriculum.Combined with the study concept of evaluation centered on learning,it is found that situation is an important carrier for effective reading.We can make evaluation standards to accurate students learning level.Situated questions have an irreplaceable effect on the assessment of reading literacy.Chapter Two analyses the existing experience of design situated questions.The principle of situated questions is to establish a connection between knowledge and reality.The characteristics of situated questions are also performed in the situation type,test elements,and organizational structure.Chapter Three analysis the situated questions cases,and put forward the way and process of the situated questions' design.It is divided into three major sections:assessment goals,situated tasks,and scoring guidelines.Situated tasks are the core of research.This chapter also specifically explains the three elements of situated task,include situation,text,and question.Chapter Four analyses the cognitive requirements in the reading situatedquestions.And the method of controlling the complexity of the test questions is to control the cognitive difficulty.Enhancing the effectiveness of the literacy assessment is important.
Keywords/Search Tags:reading literacy, situated questions, reading assessment
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