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Action Research On The Application Of Drama In Education To Safety Education In The Lower Grades Of Primary School

Posted on:2021-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JiangFull Text:PDF
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Safety education has always been one of the key contents of primary school education,which is of great significance to the healthy development of children.In the actual education and teaching work,how to make children better receive the school safety education is one of the directions that educators have been working hard on.However,at present,there are some problems in the teaching of safety education in the lower grades,such as emphasizing text rather than practice,knowledge rather than ability,single teaching method,emphasizing teaching rather than experience.The teaching effect of safety education is not up to the ideal state,students' learning enthusiasm is not high.Educational drama is a relatively new teaching method that applies drama elements and skills to classroom teaching to achieve certain educational purposes.It has been used in Europe and the United States for many years and has achieved good educational results,but it is still in the exploration stage in China.Considering its situational and interesting characteristics,the author thinks that educational drama is more suitable for promoting in the classroom teaching of primary schools.The problem to be solved in this study is to improve the teaching effect and the learning enthusiasm of students by applying educational drama to the safety education and teaching in the lower grades of primary schools.The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction,body and conclusion.In the text,the author firstly expounds the research ideas and methods of action research design.The research method mainly USES the action research method,supplemented by the interview method and the observation method,in order to enrich the teaching method of safety education in the lower grades of primary school,stimulate the students' learning interest,and improve the teaching effect of safety education.There are two rounds of action research,each following the structure of "plan,act,observe,reflect".The second round of action research is planned and implemented on the basis of the first round of observation and reflection,and then adjusted and modified accordingly.Secondly,after the diagnosis of the research problem,a plan of action research was initially designed and implemented,followed by observation and reflection.After the action research,it is found that the application of educational drama to the safety education and teaching in the lowergrades of primary school has achieved good results.The scientific research ability of teachers has been improved and the educational concept has been changed.The enthusiasm of students to participate in safety education activities is obviously high.Students' safety awareness,knowledge and skills are effectively improved.The student's various ability obtains certain development.In order to make the educational drama better applied to the safety education and teaching in the lower grade of primary school,the corresponding Suggestions are put forward respectively for the school and the teachers themselves.Schools need to provide the necessary conditional support for the development of educational drama.Firstly,it provides an environment for teachers and students to implement educational drama,and provides a variety of ways for teachers to improve the quality of applying educational drama to safety education.At the same time,it also needs to publicize the concept of educational drama and obtain the support of parents.Teachers need to improve their literacy in the application of educational drama.Firstly,the concept of scientific educational drama should be set up;secondly,the consciousness of applying educational drama to the safety education of primary and lower grades should be strengthened;finally,efforts should be made to improve professional knowledge and teaching ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Drama in education, Lower grades of primary school, School safety education, Action research
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