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On The Cultivation Of Social Responsibility Of Rural Teachers In The Context Of Local Urbanization

Posted on:2021-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330611964402Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Local urbanization is a special way of Rural Revitalization.Different from other urbanization modes,local urbanization has brought problems such as value confusion,cultural fracture and village termination to rural society.These problems are projected into the field of education,which makes the rural education in the context of local urbanization lack of development characteristics,lack of community interaction,lack of parenting,lack of student motivation and other specific problems.At present,the actual social responsibility of rural teachers can not meet the special needs of the development of education in the transition period,and there is little research on the cultivation of rural teachers' social responsibility in the context of local urbanization in the academic circles at home and abroad.Therefore,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to explore the cultivation of rural teachers' social responsibility in the context of local urbanization.Teachers' social responsibility is an important fulcrum to promote the transformation of rural schools.The cultivation of rural teachers' social responsibility is the key point to improve the quality of rural education and coordinate the development of urban and rural education.As the witness and witness of rural social transformation,"acquaintance" makes it easier for "I" to describe the current situation of rural society and rural education in the context of local urbanization.As a "perplexer" of sociology at undergraduate level,an "entry-level student" of pedagogy at master's level and a "candidate" who is about to become a township teacher,after combing the existing research results,"I" began to think about the responsibility of rural teachers in the process of local urbanization,and tried to explore the possible path to cultivate their sense of social responsibility through this study.The paper is divided into five parts:The first part is introduction.This part mainly discusses the research questions,literaturereview,research purpose and significance,research ideas and methods,research difficulties and innovation.The second part analyzes the connotation of rural teachers' social responsibility.Based on the premise of clarifying the relevant concepts of rural teachers' social responsibility,and the principle of "from universal to special",this part analyzes the basic concepts of responsibility,social responsibility,social responsibility,and rural teachers' social responsibility,as well as the basic concepts of rural teachers' social responsibility Analysis.This paper holds that the so-called sense of social responsibility is the subjective understanding,inner experience and the psychological and behavioral tendency of the individual to take social responsibility in the process of socialization by internalizing the requirements of law,morality,occupation and social expectation.Rural teachers' sense of social responsibility is the cognition of rural teachers' responsibility in social development,which reflects the identification of rural teachers from social responsibility behavior to social responsibility consciousness,that is,the psychological and behavioral tendency of internalizing social responsibility and actively performing social responsibility.The third part is the social responsibility of rural teachers in the context of local urbanization.By using the methods of literature analysis,field investigation and case interview,this paper analyzes the transformation of rural society,the development of rural education and the social responsibility of rural teachers under the special background of local urbanization.Under the background of local urbanization,the real social responsibilities of rural teachers are firefighters in rural society,civil servants in rural schools,supervisors of rural students,etc.their social responsibilities mainly include urban and rural cultural integrators,organizers of community interaction,helpers of family education,ferries of students' growth,etc.The fourth part is the main basis of the cultivation of rural teachers' social responsibility in the context of local urbanization.This part analyzes the main basis of rural teachers' social responsibility cultivation in the context of local urbanization from three aspects: theoretical basis,policy basis and practical basis.The theoretical basis includes the stipulation of the role and responsibility in sociology,the unity of freedom and responsibility in ethics,the unity of the sense of social responsibility in psychology,the unity of "knowing and doing",and the requirements of the norms of teachers' Ethics in pedagogy;the policy basis includes the special policies on rural teachers,the thematic policies on the construction of teachers' ethics,and the important speeches on Teachers' responsibilities;the practical basis is mainly the local cities The moral crisis,education and social responsibility of rural teachers under the background of urbanization.The fifth part is the basic path of Cultivating Rural Teachers' social responsibility in thecontext of local urbanization.From the perspectives of identity,ethics,psychology and pedagogy,this paper analyzes the cultivation path of rural teachers' social responsibility.In particular,sociologists regard the completion of the process of urbanization as the end of urbanization.From the perspective of this study,although the social outlook in the context of local urbanization is quite different from that in the countryside,farmers' living habits,values,social relations in the community,and governance system are quite different from the citizens,and their identities are still in a long process of citizenization,which will also exist for a long time in terms of cultural significance.Therefore,in the face of the social features of "semi urbanization" and "urban-rural integration" in the teaching area,and in the face of students and their parents who have not yet completed the transformation of citizens,this paper still uses the concept of "rural teachers in the context of local urbanization",in particular,the teachers who have made important contributions to the transformation and transformation of rural education in the process of local urbanization.
Keywords/Search Tags:local urbanization, rural teachers, social responsibility
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