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The Teaching Strategies Of History Teaching In Middle School Based On Humanistic Educational Thought

Posted on:2021-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330611463966Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Humanistic education thought originated from the international humanistic psychology in the 1960 s and 1970 s,then spread to all fields of social research,and affected the reform of education field.Educational researchers and practitioners made a series of attempts accordingly.The practice of humanistic educational thought is devoted to cultivating "complete person",stimulating students' inner potential,and promoting students' all-round development.As one of the important subjects during basic education,the history teaching contents cover a broad range,bearing tasks of "quality education","citizenship education" and "personality education" and other various tasks.Since the middle school history curriculum reform in 2003,the teaching process of realizing the "three-dimensional goal" has been put forward,and the basic principle of "student-centered and teacher-led" has been established to promote the transformation of teachers' and students' roles in classroom teaching and the transformation of traditional classroom teaching.Began in 2017,along with the deepening of reform and opening up,China began a new round of basic education reform,on the basis of the reform since 2003 more clearly put forward the basic requirements of core literacy,in the middle school history teaching embodied in the key competencies,pay attention to mobilize students' initiative in the process of teaching,adopt the method of stratified teaching,layered evaluation,promote the students potential to get maximum play,with the humanism education thought in a certain degree of photogenic.Therefore,it is of great significance to explore the teaching strategy of history of middle school based on humanistic education thought for following the trend of middle school history curriculum reform in the new era,improving middle school history teaching and promoting the development of middleschool history teaching.This paper aims to more detailed humanistic education theory,combining with the middle school history teaching practice,from the teaching design,classroom teaching practice,teaching practice after class,the classroom teaching evaluation,teaching reflection the tentative exploration on,trying to explore middle school history teaching strategy based on humanism education thought.This paper is divided into three parts:The first part introduces the basic concepts and characteristics of humanistic educational thought,and briefly comments on humanistic educational thought.This part introduces the basic education practice,especially the history teaching practice in middle school,probes into the relation between humanistic education thought and history teaching in middle school,and concludes the necessity of history teaching practice in middle school.The second part,mainly explores the history teaching strategies of the middle school based on the humanism education thought,including the preparation of teaching design,the design of teaching content,the problems of concern,the implementation of the teaching links,the history teaching practice after class,and other aspects.Through the combination of humanistic education thought and middle school history teaching practice cases,this part focuses on the role positioning of teachers and students,puts forward specific plans to achieve teaching objectives,and promotes the cultivation of students' core accomplishment of history subject by stimulating students' enthusiasm and initiative.The third part,aiming at the current middle school history curriculum reform and the teaching practice of humanistic education thought,puts forward some problems existing in the current practice and the new challenges of teaching under the guidance of humanistic education thought to teachers and teaching ideas,and this part looks forward to the future teaching practice of history in middle school based on humanistic education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humanistic educational thought, School history teaching, Teaching strategies
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