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Research On The Cultivation Of Map Skills In Geography Teaching In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2021-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y WangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of the times,the progress of society,economy,culture and the innovation of science and technology,the big data era has come.What kind of way do the current students compete with others after graduation? Can only constantly improve their learning ability,enhance their own literacy,especially the core literacy,adapt to the rapid pace of society.In geography study inquiry,also need to master certain geography skill,can be in an invincible position.The evaluation of students in the school basically stays on the score,the total score of a test paper is high and low,which generalizes the students' learning ability and is not accurate enough.Both learning ability and learning evaluation should be diversified,like the map learning skills of students,which are classified in the National Geographic Standards as four core items: raising geographical questions,obtaining geographical information,analyzing geographical information,and answering geographical questions.Students in the process of learning maps,a good start is to face the map to ask questions,how to extract useful information from symbols,graphics,text and so on,and then can analyze the information to answer questions.In map learning,how to send Wielding spatial thinking and spatial imagination,vividly and vividly showing the charm of map,and cultivating students' spatial concept and ability,this is an urgent problem to be solved in geography teaching in junior high school,and it is also a problem that paper needs to study.First of all,through the review of domestic and foreign literature,this paper thinks that in geography education,the knowledge learned by students is not only used in examinations,but also in real life,so we should first cultivate students' ability of map skills.In this paper,two junior high school students in Jinshui District of Zhengzhou City and High-tech District as the object of investigation,from the city and suburbs of two types of middle school students,their map awareness,use,skills survey,analysis found:(1)many students learn map initiative is not strong;(2)Students generally do not read pictures and lack map skills.(3)Teachers pay too much attention to teaching material knowledge,practical operation is not enough,(4)students' education,family and other conditions,access to map knowledge channel gap is large;(5)two types of students on the modern map understanding and use of the degree of difference is large;(6)most students map space concept has not yet taken shape,poor thinking ability,can not understand space and analysis space problems;(7)most students can not use map skills to solve map problems.Based on the problems found in the questionnaire survey,this paper recognizes the importance of cultivating students' map skills for geographical map learning,and puts forward effective strategies and teaching models to improve the teaching of map skills: taking map guidance as the main teaching mode,by cultivating and guiding students' interest in maps,using,combining and transforming map information such as pictures,words,notes,symbols,etc.The specific solutions proposed in this paper have some guiding significance for the study of geographical maps of these junior high school students.The main conclusions of this study are as follows :(1)recognizing the importance of map skills of junior high school students;(2)finding that students' ability of map skills needs to be improved;(3)putting forward specific strategies to develop students' map skills,and doing case design for reference and verification in the future teaching process.Innovation: encourage geography teaching resources to learn from,share,evaluate and so on in the world.This paper studies the establishment process of psychological map and suggests that psychological map follow up era to help teachers' teaching innovation and experience accumulation.Shortage and Prospect: Due to the limited range of survey subjects,students' map learning status can not be accurately analyzed And there are many factors that can not be judged on the basis of a problems.Next,we will increase the number of questions,compare the survey objects with the senior students,find out the influencing factors,and promote the common progress and development of teachers and students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Map skills, Junior high school, Geography
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