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Study On Labor Education Of The Middle Class's Children

Posted on:2021-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J N JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330605954001Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the process of modern education,in order to promote social progress and the all-around development of students,labor education is gradually paid more and more attention by the state and society.In the new era,Chinese leader Xijinping pointed out at the national education conference that China's education should train “morality,intelligence,physical,aesthetic and labor” all-around development of socialist builders and successors,and brought“labor education” into the party's educational policy.New labor education advocated students to love and respect labor,and know that labor is the most glorious,the most beautiful thing.When they grow up,they can realize how to be hard,honesty and creative in work.So as to realize through labor to establish virtue,to increase wisdom,to strengthen the body and to understand the truth of beauty.In today's stratified society,the development and growth of the Middle-class is conductive to the stable development of the society.The Middle-class understand the importance of education in hierarchical mobility and paid particular attention to the education of their children.Therefore,the research on the labor education of the Middle-class' s children is full of significance both for the labor education of the new era and the Middle-class group.First of all,through reading and combing materials,I catch the key on the concepts of Middle class and labor education.Considering the definition of the Middle class,I select the main three Middle-class family and two other non-Middle class family,and demonstrate the representative and the feasibility of these families as the research object through the preliminary research,after that,through reading related literature of the education of the Middle-class' s children and labor education,I understand the status of research on issues.Secondly,through in-depth observation and interview in the five families,throughdescribing the vivid and rich daily life and analyzing their behavior,I understand the real situation of the Middle-class' children in daily life of labor education,that is,what the current situation of labor education is,and why.Through the survey found,in the process of labor practices,Middle-class children show the younger labor ability,not develop good habits of labor,but because of the parents' s education idea,Middle-class' s children have more positive emotional experience in the process.Besides,children generally lacke deep understanding of labor.And they always have behavior that escape labor.Parents in the process of children's labor education generally are lack of correct understanding.They are unwilling to let their children work,they work in place of their children.Due to the accumulation and strengthening of various types of capital,Middle-class parents are more comfortable with the problems related to children's education,while non-Middle class parents are more powerless.In the face of children's labor education,Middle-class parents also show different attitudes and behaviors due to the influence of field and behavior.Finally,based the description and analysis of the long-term observation of the five families,for the existing problems,we should think from the following aspects: Family education play a basic role in the children's labor education,and parents play an important role in the process.Parents should break the barriers of traditional ideas,and form correct understanding of the importance of labor education.The role of father's call contributes to the high efficiency of family education and will be helpful to promote children's labor education.For school,we should deepen the key role of schools in labor education,actively carry out relevant courses,integrate labor education into practice,and promote home-school cooperation in cultivating children's labor education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle class, labor consciousness, labor education
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