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Research On Carrying Forward The May 4th Spirit Of College Students In The New Era

Posted on:2021-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330602990026Subject:Ideological and political education
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The May 4th movement,which broke out at the time of national crisis,is a patriotic movement against imperialism and feudalism with the advanced young intellectuals as the vanguard and the broad masses of the people actively participating.The May 4th movement had a profound influence on the development of Chinese history and was an important turning point for the Chinese nation from the abyss of disaster to national rejuvenation.The spirit of the May 4th movement is the condensation of the Chinese people's uncompromising anti imperialist and anti feudal common consciousness,and the historical crystallization of the combination of the unprecedented ideological liberation tide and the development of the times in modern China.The spirit of the May 4th Movement embodies the Chinese nation's fine tradition of unremitting self-improvement and the pursuit of progress.It reflects the Chinese people's consistent national feelings and value pursuit.It has rich value deposits and has always played an important role in "firming ideals and beliefs,stimulating spiritual motivation,and strengthening mission responsibility".College students in the new era are the new force of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics.They bear the historical responsibility of national rejuvenation.Inheriting the glorious tradition of the May Fourth Movement and carrying forward the spirit of the May Fourth Movement are not only the needs of the spirit relay of college students,but also the appeal of the times for them to shoulder the historical mission.Therefore,the research on carrying forward the spirit of the May 4th movement of college students in the new era is of great practical significance to cultivate the new generation of the times not to forget their original intention,keep in mind the mission,forge ahead,strive for greater victory and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Under the guidance of the fundamental methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism,this paper comprehensively uses the methods of literature research,the unity of history and logic,and comparative analysis.First of all,the paper systematically discusses the historical process of the formation of the May 4th spirit.The spirit of the May Fourth Movement is the source of strength to encourage and encourage the continuous struggle of young people from generation to generation,and its connotation is gradually enriched in the course of youth's struggle to complete the mission of the times.Secondly,it clarifies that the 54 spirit contains patriotic,progressive,democratic and scientific contents,condenses 54 spiritual essence and sums up the 54 spirit's distinct characteristics,which is embodied in four aspects: advanced nature,nationality,revolutionary and epochal nature,laying a theoretical foundation for the following research.Thirdly,on the basis of the overall discussion of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement,this paper discusses the value implication of the spirit of the May Fourth Movement to college students in the new era.As a fresh force to promote the continuous progress of society,college students in the new era are full of energy,active thinking,and the great dream of national rejuvenation should be realized in them.The value pursuit of patriotism,progress,democracy and science embodied in the May 4th spirit provides rich spiritual nutrients and value elements for college students in the new era to complete the mission of national rejuvenation era.It has an important value in guiding college students to establish correct values and make the first deduction in life;strengthening the sense of historical mission of college students,transforming spiritual motivation into practical action,promoting the development of politics,economy,culture and ecology of socialism with Chinese characteristics,thus boosting the great rejuvenation of the nation;promoting the growth of college students and ensuring the continuity of great cause relay Value implication.Since entering the new era,socialism with Chinese characteristics has radiated more vitality,which has brought about changes in all aspects of College Students' thinking and behavior.On the basis of grasping the reality of the development of the new era and the characteristics of the development of college students in the new era,the paper finally discusses the strategies of carrying forward the spirit of the May Fourth Movement from four aspects: strengthening the ideal and belief,strengthening the responsibility and shouldering the historical burden;publicizing the youth vitality,training excellent skills;improving their own quality and pursuing further development College students carry forward the spirit of the May 4th Movement better.In short,according to the requirements of social development in the new era and the development characteristics of college students in the new era,it is of great significance for college students in the new era to carry forward the spirit of the May 4th movement,absorb spiritual strength from them,consciously undertake the historical mission of national rejuvenation,and constantly integrate patriotism and national aspirations into the great practice of achieving the two centennial goals righteousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:new era, college students, May Fourth spirit
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