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Research On The Design And Application Of Biology Course Of Class Hour In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2021-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiangFull Text:PDF
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The deepening of the new curriculum reform makes the basic education of our country step into a new stage of improving the quality of education.One of the core objectives of the curriculum reform is to improve the learning style of students,so students can change from passive receptive learning to independent,cooperative and exploratory learning.But at present,according to the teaching practice and investigation,some biology classroom teaching still exists the phenomenon of emphasizing teaching but neglecting learning,students' consciousness of independent learning is weak,which has a negative impact on the overall development of students' quality ability and core literacy,and does not meet the needs of the development of the times for talents.Combined with the investigation and analysis of the current situation of some biology classroom teaching,through searching and consulting a large number of literature,we can understand the concern and Research on the course at home and abroad,and analyze the application and Enlightenment of course in classroom teaching,so as to provide reference for this study.Overseas researches on course are mainly to use it as a teaching system in school education,so students can choose to complete their studies according to different needs and value orientation;in China,researches on course are mainly based on classroom teaching for theoretical guidance and practical application.Combined with the above research,this paper explains the concept of course and class hour course.That is,the route guidance and planning of course for students is the carrier of "teaching integration";Course of class hour is the class hour course.In this paper,questionnaire survey,literature research,case study,interview and other methods are used to analyze and study the course design and application of biology in compulsory education stage in three basic courses of new teaching,review and comment.As faras the current research status is concerned,there is no substantive research on the design and application of Course in biology classroom teaching.Therefore,under the guidance of constructivism,mastery of learning and other education and teaching theories,based on the current situation of biology classroom teaching in junior high school,this paper explores how to change the traditional teaching mode,optimize students' learning mode and improve students' learning ability Research.According to the principle of design,three basic curriculum cases of biology in junior middle school,including new teaching,unit review,and test paper lecture,are written and analyzed.That is,to interpret the curriculum standards of biology in the compulsory education stage,to formulate the learning objectives in combination with the teaching materials,to reflect the learning contents and process methods of the class hours,and more importantly,to reflect the training objectives of discipline education;to follow the principles of goal teaching,problem teaching,and "teaching learning evaluation" consistency to advance the tasks and activities of autonomous learning,cooperative learning and reflective learning in the learning process design and plan in a procedural way,and reflect the scientific guidance of learning methods.In the classroom teaching,taking the class hour course as the learning carrier,the teaching of biology in junior middle school is carried out in the modular learning activities of "Clear goals for autonomous learning","Follow the goal for cooperative learning" and "Reflect on learning to achieve goals" by using the strategies of group cooperation and process evaluation.Through the case analysis of the course,the teacher's self-assessment,peer assessment,student feedback and the interview between teachers and students before and after the application of the course,it is found that the design and application of class hours pay attention to the guidance of the whole process of students' learning,improve the classroom teaching mode of junior high school biology,promote the improvement of students' independent learning ability and cooperative exploration,language expression and reflection ability,which reflects the cultivation of students' overall development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Biology of junior middle school, Course Design and Application, Learning style
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