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Research On The Education Of Ethnic View Of High School Students

Posted on:2020-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330596480262Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China is a unified multi-ethnic country,and national work occupies an important position in the overall work of the Party and the state.Standing at the height of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,General Secretary Xi Jinping of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China has deployed the strategy of national work to win and build a well-off society in an all-round way.He has proposed to deepen the education of national unity in the new period,guide people to establish a correct national outlook and national outlook,foster the consciousness of the Chinese nation community,and promote exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups.At present,under the influence of national separatist and hostile forces at home and abroad,China's ethnic work is facing new situations and challenges.Ethnic problems exist locally and are relatively prominent.This not only affects the prosperity and development of the current ethnic areas,but also affects the overall situation of the unity and stability of the Chinese nation.Consequently,the education of national outlook has been paid more attention by the society.The stage of senior high school students is a special period of transition from juvenile to adult,and also a critical period for the formation of "Three Views".Strengthening the education of senior high school students' national outlook is of great significance not only to guide senior high school students' correct national outlook,but also to build a harmonious campus and even a harmonious society.In recent years,the education of national outlook of senior high school students has achieved some results,but there are still many problems that need to be further faced and solved.This paper takes the high school students' national outlook education as the research object,selects Guiyang public high school,private high school,national high school and middle school as survey samples,guided by the basic theories and methods of Marxism,and based on the theory of ideological and political education.Theories and methods related to education,psychology,ethnology,and statistics are discussed in the following four aspects:Chapter One: The theoretical basis and significance of the education of national outlook for senior high school students.The classic writers such as Marx and Engels created the Marxist national theory based on the great practice of the proletarian national movement and formed the scientific theoretical system of the national outlook education.The Marxist classic writers' theory of the education of the national outlook,the educational thoughts of the ancient Chinese national outlook,and the educational theories of the national outlook of some countries together constitute the theoretical basis of the education of the high school students' national outlook.The education of high school students' national outlook belongs to Marxist nationality education.The education of high school students' national outlook is not only beneficial to guiding high school students to establish a correct national outlook,but also to maintain the stability and unity of the nation-state,the common development of all ethnic groups and the response to the international political ecology.The impact is of great significance.Chapter Two,the investigation of the present situation of the National Outlook Education of senior high school students.Generally speaking,the mainstream of senior high school students in ethnic relations,ethnic identity,ethnic issues,ethnic policies,religious policies and other aspects is in line with the Marxist ethnic outlook,which is positive and upward.At the same time,the education of national outlook of senior high school students is gradually infiltrating into classroom teaching and daily education management.Chapter Three,the problems and reasons of high school students' National Outlook education.Through data analysis,it is found that there are still some problems in the process of ethnic outlook education for senior high school students,such as the overall effect of ethnic outlook education is not ideal,the definition of ethnic outlook education is not clear,the curriculum construction is relatively lagging behind,the practice education is absent and falls into misunderstanding,and the lack of resultant force in the process of education.There are some reasons behind these problems: inadequate attention from schools is the direct reason.The negative impact of social environment has produced some external resistance to the education of ethnic outlook and ethnic outlook of senior high school students.For example,the stimulation of utilitarian exam-oriented education,globalization,marketization and external impact of network make the education of national outlook face many practical difficulties.In addition,the lack of family support is also an important factor affecting the education of high school students' ethnic outlook.Chapter Four: Practical countermeasures for the education of national outlook of senior high school students in the new period.In the new era,the main ways of education of national outlook for senior high school students are school education,family and social assistant education.School education is the main channel of ethnic outlook education for senior high school students.Schools should realize the normalization of ethnic outlook education in daily education management on the basis of making use of the main position of Ideological and political theory.Give full play to the role of family "Bacon" and social security,and promote the formation of a joint force of education of national outlook in schools,families and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school students, national outlook education, Guiyang City
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