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Research On Solving Students' Anxiety Psychology Through High School Art Situation Teaching

Posted on:2019-09-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578974705Subject:Subject teaching
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In the UK,art therapy is trying to replace traditional psychotherapy as a "prescription drug".They clearly point out the positive effects of art healing on health and encourage art therapy as part of a social prescription.In the English class,the instructor applies art as a psychotherapy to the students' learning,aiming to guide students to learn art knowledge,cultivate students' creative ability,and help students treat psychological trauma.Through the search and reading of relevant literature,it has been found that a group of first-line therapists and teachers in China have applied psychological therapy to the research direction of psychological adjustment of young children.This paper mainly studies the psychological characteristics of high school students in the school,understands the emotional barriers affecting the growth of adolescents,and analyzes the anxiety disorders,so as to construct an art curriculum that is in line with students' anxiety.On the one hand,it helps students to carry out psychological counseling and strives for high school students.In complex studies,acquire aesthetic abilities and seek spiritual sustenance.On the other hand,I hope to establish a curriculum construction template that is suitable for the psychological characteristics of high school students and can maximize the efficiency of high school art courses.The summary of the main chapters is:The introduction reviews and analyzes the aesthetic psychology of Western adolescents,the domestic youth psychology,and the current status of art courses in high school classrooms.Although there are already a group of first-line therapists and teachers in China who apply painting psychotherapy to the research direction of psychological adjustment of young children,although art therapy has been used in the field of psychology in China,it has not been a long time to enter the campus.The second chapter mainly discusses the psychological characteristics of high school students.First,the general physiological characteristics of high school students are discussed.At the end of puberty,high school students in the early youth,whether in body shape,internal organs or physiological consciousness,have undergone tremendous changes.During this period,they have begun to mature and become independent.In general,young people who are studying in high school are deeply aware of the changes in their lives.Secondly,the evaluation of the young people's minds was carried out.It is often more difficult to recognize the mental disorders of high school students than to recognize adult mental disorders.This is precisely because they are in the period of personality development,developmental lag,or mental disorder,which is difficult to determine.From the relevant literature,we can conclude that young people at the end of youth are very sensitive to self-consciousness,often feel uncontrollable depression,loneliness and nervousness,but lack of objectivity and regulation,and interpersonal relationships often have problems.Finally,an analysis of anxiety psychology was conducted.Anxiety is one of the most common negative emotional disorders in adolescents.Although anxiety makes people feel uncomfortable,moderate anxiety also helps individuals to face various stresses and stimuli better,and can actively respond to external time or avoidance.Possible risks are beneficial to the individual to better adapt to the environment.Anxiety and depression are a closely related emotional experience.Almost all patients with depression have anxiety,but patients can also distinguish anxiety from depression because they are aware of their anxiety and anxiety when they are anxious.You can distinguish depression,depression,and other depression experiences.The third chapter focuses on art psychotherapy,which is the use of art in psychotherapy.By interacting with patients,the therapist helps the patient to temporarily lower the inner defense mechanism,reveal the inner world experience,release the subconscious contradictions and suppressed emotions,enhance self-perception and try to change oneself by means of artistic experience or artistic creation.Analysis of the relationship between art and art therapy,a series of graffiti or carefully prepared series of pictures are unintentionally expressing the individual's subconscious,even if we do not understand or how to read.In addition,psychoanalysis provides art therapists with a way to understand the inner world of patients and their imaginative products.Then,analyze the environment of art education and treatment in the current school.The fourth chapter first discusses how the general art therapist interprets children's paintings.Secondly,it integrates mental health education into the art situation teaching,establishes the art activities with the theme of student emotions,creates a problem situation with a tendency to emotions,and learns in the creation of paintings-"doing middle school."Finally,the situational instructional design is designed for students with anxiety disorder.Groups create artistic activities that are often seen in art activities.For students with interpersonal anxiety disorders,they are placed in creative paintings,expose their emotions to activities,and complete certain painting tasks to make them new.Cognition and mode of getting along with others.The process of painting creation also releases the patients emotions to a certain extent,thus achieving relaxation therapy.For students with obsessive-compulsive disorder,it is also possible to use a group creation method for relaxation treatment,or to use targeted personal treatment to reduce the pain caused by obsession.Exam anxiety is often caused by the suspicion of one's ability after failing an exam,and thus more and more unconfident,and the exams have repeatedly failed.Therefore,building self-confidence and regaining self is especially important among such students.Chapter V,summary and outlook.As the current theory and practice of art therapy entering the school is not yet mature,domestic art therapy has not yet formed a professional discourse system,but it is certain that art therapy can help people with emotional disorders express themselves,find themselves,and rehabilitate More.However,due to limitations in time,educational environment,personal ability,financial resources,etc.,many studies have not yet entered into in-depth discussions,and there are some limitations and shortcomings.In general,based on the existing research,the promotion of art therapy should be strengthened,and art therapy should be promoted into the school;targeted case studies should be strengthened to effectively utilize the natural debugging ability of art courses.
Keywords/Search Tags:Art situation, Drawing Therapy, Anxiety disorder
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