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Appreciate Inquiry Teaching Methodology Promotes The Development Of Elementary School Students' Computational Thinking

Posted on:2020-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S GaoFull Text:PDF
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With the development of information age,computational thinking has become an indispensable skill for everyone in the information age.As primary and secondary school students of digital natives in the 21 st century,they need to pay more attention to the development of computational thinking in order to adapt to the changes brought about by information technology changes.Once put forward,computational thinking has attracted strong attention from scholars at home and abroad.In China,computational thinking has been listed as one of the core qualities of information technology courses in primary and secondary schools.Scholars at home and abroad try to study computational thinking from different fields and try to promote the development of computational thinking in an effective way.Programming course and information technology is an effective carrier of cultivating computational thinking,most researchers use of university computer related courses or senior course to develop students' thinking of primary and secondary schools,they more is to construct a kind of teaching model,calculate according to the teaching mode to cultivate the students' thinking level,or develop a programming tool to promote the development of student computing thinking.However,in the teaching of primary and secondary schools,although the development of computational thinking is emphasized,the cultivation of computational thinking is actually missing,especially in the primary school stage.And quite a few researchers use innovative teaching methods to change the reality of computational thinking cultivation.With the continuous development of information society,it has become an urgent problem to promote the development of students' computational thinking in primary and secondary schools.Researchers of this study is based on the analysis of internship of fourth grade based on programming course,and the combination of primary and middle school information technology curriculum standards,constructivist learning theory,learning theory "learning by doing" Dewey,positive psychology,imagery theory as the instruction,using appreciate inquiry teachingmethodology,from Scratch course teaching,and thus achieve the goal of promoting the development of pupil computational thinking.The research work is mainly divided into the following four aspects.(1)To sort out and analyze relevant literature on the appreciate inquiry teaching methodology and computational thinking.It mainly includes the combing of the mode construction,characteristic research,effect verification of the appreciative inquiry teaching methodology,as well as the concept definition and constituent elements of computational thinking,evaluation method,cultivation method and effect verification,etc.,which have laid a solid foundation for the follow-up research.(2)This paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the appreciative inquiry teaching methodology to promote the development of students' computational thinking in the Scratch course of primary school,and these studies are the favorable support for the research.(3)Supported by relevant theories,the teaching design of Scratch course which promotes the development of computational thinking was carried out.(4)The verification of the effect of appreciate inquiry teaching methodology in promoting the development of primary school students' computational thinking.Will appreciate inquiry teaching methodology applied for computing thinking development elementary school grade four,Scratch the classroom by issuing thinking related test and scale tests pupils calculation thinking improve situation,appreciate inquiry teaching methodology with computational thinking,for the development of the elementary calculation thinking provides a new method of teaching.Through the above work,the following four research results have been obtained.(1)This study explores the correlation between computational thinking and appreciative inquiry teaching methodology,that is,both emphasize problem solving.(2)In this study,on the basis of a large number of domestic and foreign literatures,in elementary school in Scratch appreciate inquiry teaching methodology in teaching,high school students as the main body of learning the course,teachers and students in order to appreciate a positive attitude,learn from each other in the whole course of middle school students play the initiative and enthusiasm,at the same time,the students' innovation ability,problem-solving ability and the development of computational thinking also get the corresponding;(3)This study analyzes the effect on the development of computational thinking,using foreign about creativity,algorithms,collaborative,critical thinking and problem solving of five dimension scale to analyze the experimental data,and appreciate inquiry teaching methodology is discussed to promote the computational thinking which aspects of the development and use appreciate inquiry teaching methodology in the process of teaching to the development of different gender students thinking whether there is a difference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Appreciate inquiry teaching methodology, Computational thinking, Scratch
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