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Research On The Present Situation And Promotion Strategy Of Football In Yongzhou Primary School

Posted on:2019-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W P TangFull Text:PDF
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Since t he beginning o f t he eighteen party,the C entra l C ommittee of t he Communist Party of C hina has set an important agenda for the develop ment of football,and it has become an important d irectio n for build ing a sports power.In March 2015,the State Counc il issued a progra mmat ic document in t he fie ld of football-the overa ll plan for the refor m and deve lopme nt of C hinese football,which provided a basis for the develop ment of football in C hina.In fact,the active deve lopme nt of campus footb all can not only he lp students improve their phys ical qualit y,but also he lp the m to cult ivate the spir it o f hard work,unity and cooperation and dare to challe nge.In this regard,we should seize this rare opportunity to dig into the educationa l funct io n and unique influe nce of camp us football to st udents,organize regular campus football act ivit ies,and constant ly pro mote the healt hy and sustainable development of school sports.Based on the research on the present sit uatio n of camp us football in differe n t primary schools in Yongzhou,this paper uses the methods of literature,questionna ire,expert inter view,field invest igat ion,lo gic ana lys is,mat he mat ical statist ics and other research met hods,and studies the ma in proble ms faced by Yongzhou primar y scho ol in the develop ment of camp us football,which are lack of funds,lack of fie ld equip ment and the deve lopme nt ability of school-based textbooks.Lack of learning a nd training contradict io ns,lack of professio nalis m o f teachers and lack of propaganda activ it ies.The factors affecting the deve lopme nt of primary school football in Yongzho u are: po licy and schoo l factors,teacher factors,football teaching factors,students' persona l factors and fa mily socia l factors.Among t he m,polic y and school factor contr ibut io n rate is the first,ind icating that t he interve nt ion of policy a nd school factor is t he most important factor for the deve lopme nt of ca mpus football in Yongzhou pr imary school.The author thinks that Yongzhou city should carry out t he campus football move ment in ever y primar y school.O n t he one hand,we should give full p lay to the role o f the leadership O ffice of Yo ngzhou's ca mpus football,act ive ly promote the propaganda and guidance of t he football teaching,and gradually let t he students' parents and school leaders change the ir views on the campus football.The other side should also reduce the primary educat ion in accordance w ith t he deve lopment needs of t he cit y.Wit h the contrad ictio n between school teaching and football tra ining,more schoo ls and students will actively participate in the development of campus football.
Keywords/Search Tags:C ampus footbal l, Yongzhou, research on the status
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