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Research On Junior School Students' Social Interaction Under The Influence Of Online Games

Posted on:2019-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K P WuFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid growth of the number of online game users in recent years,the social impact of online games is expanding.Online games are attracting more and more attention.Some negative cases caused by online games among young people and they are even more shocking.These cases arouse the widespread concern of mainstream media and ordinary people in modern media quickly.The impact of online games on minors has been a long time,and it has also attracted the attention of some experts and scholars.But Internet devices are not so popular in that time.Internet cafes and other places are still the main places of online games.Online games have never had such a wide and far-reaching impact.Based on this,this article takes the previous relevant research as a precondition,combines the new characteristics of the current development of online games,and deeply analyzes the internal structure of the online game system,important network game behavior of junior high school students and the main sub culture as the research object,analysis of the causes of the play love tour the whole network of junior middle school students,discuss the complex network game the production of the modern middle school from social interaction perspective,in full knowledge of the network game and the junior middle school students in groups on the basis of the relationship,to explore the solution of junior high school students addicted to online games and other serious problem solving path.Game is a social behavior mode based on material needs satisfaction,which follows certain rules in a specific time and space scope and pursues spiritual needs.In the era of online games,people began to take the Internet as the transmission medium,and achieve the purpose of game by means of servers and computers of operators.It takes the place of the traditional game to a certain extent and continues to play the function of entertainment and interaction that the game itself has.When the twenty-first Century came,the revolutionary breakthrough of modern Internet technology and network terminal technology opened up a broad area of online industry,which provided unlimited possibilities for the improvement and development of online games.Intelligent mobile terminals and wireless networks make the penetration of online games sharply increased.According to the aurora data,"the last week of December 2017,the penetration rate of Chinese hand travel app market reached 76.1%,and the user scale was 776 million.China has even entered the era of "all people's online games" in a certain sense.In this paper,the author gave up the analysis of the overall quantification of the uneven Game App,but on representative mobile phone network game " The Honor of Kings",for this particular group of junior high school students,specific and detailed on the interactive behavior of micro analysis,explore the way to solve the problem,from an example to the rest and seek universal law.This article has five chapters,from inside to outside,from the cable to the line to expand the discussion.The introduction mainly introduces the reasons for the topic of "online games" and "junior high school students" as well as the related background.The second chapter is a literature review,which combs the social interaction research of virtual community and the sociological study of network games.The third chapter of the internal system of network game and the game process of spreading and description,the concept of the game to explain the social attribute,social network game micro segment angle and formed from social interaction function,the network game field characteristics and finishing the network game.The fourth chapter mainly introduces several kinds of network games on the social interaction process and the content of junior high school students,three junior high school in the direction of social interaction and family intergenerational interaction,peer groups of sex role socialization,knowledge of junior high school students in the network game under the influence of social phenomena such as interaction dimension change and disorder play the role of the conflict between the network game and the possible view of junior high school students.The fifth chapter,based on the historical background of social change and the characteristics of contemporary network games and contemporary junior high school students,summarizes the problems and gives the prospect of the problems under the premise of the intuitionistic analysis of the problem situation.In view of the background and structural problems of substitution,the corresponding feasible countermeasures are given,so as to contribute to the thinking and solving the problem of youth group online games.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Game, Junior School Students, Social Interaction
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