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Happiness And Social Identity: A Research On Differences In Volunteer Motivation And Its Incentive

Posted on:2019-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P W YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545974171Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Comparing to the western countries,the voluntary service in China started later and its development is relatively immature.In the course of operation,there are still some problems such as low social recognition,lack of research on voluntary motivation theory,and inadequate measures,which affect volunteer participation enthusiasm.As a result,the short-term behavior of volunteering is widespread and then,it affects the quality of volunteerism and sustainable development.Studying the motivation of different types of volunteers and finding their differences,establishing targeted voluntary incentive measures are of theoretical and practical significance for promoting the sustainable improvement and developing the voluntary service industry in China.Through depth interviews and observations with several volunteers,it finds that the voluntary motives of volunteers are complex and the happiness of helping people and making new friends is their common motivation,although the focus of different groups of people will be different.Volunteers with lower social status,lower income level and lower education level are more likely to obtain the attention and recognition from the government and society that cannot be obtained on their original social position.Volunteers with better economic conditions,better education backgrounds and younger ages have more choices in the types of volunteer service activities.They also pay more attention to whether voluntary services can reflect self-values,improve their own abilities and contribute to their own development,their self-interest motivation is remarkable.Differences in the age,education,experience,and economic status of volunteers have a different understanding of volunteerism,obviously leading to the difference in volunteer motivation.According to the motives of different types of volunteers,targeted incentive mechanisms are established,such as improving volunteer service environment,the recognition and authorization from the government and organization,strengthening training,enriching voluntary work,realizing the value of volunteers and so forth.It will effectively promote thesustainable development of volunteer services.
Keywords/Search Tags:volunteer motivation, happiness, social identity, personal value, Incentive measures
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