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Research On Instrumental Rationality And Value Rationality And Its Relationship In State Governance

Posted on:2019-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330545965742Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the new historical starting point,the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the general goal of deepening the overall reform including the promotion of the state governing system and the modernization of governance capabilities,and brought the state administration to a new level.This not only meets the requirements of social transformation,responds to the increasingly serious problems of state governance in reality,but also fully demonstrates the great importance the state places on governance.Therefore,it is of great significance to study the relevant issues of state governance in this context.Instrumental rationality and value rationality are two important parts of human rationality.Instrumental rationality refers to the ability to achieve a goal based on the ability to calculate and predict the consequences,including techniques,methods,tools,mechanisms,procedures and other means of application.Value rationality is a kind of conscientious consciousness,which makes people pursue value and makes people act recklessly according to certain ideal and belief.It is a proper setting including philosophy,principle,belief,goal and ideal.Any successful practice must adhere to the rational orientation in which combine the instrumental rationality and the value rationality,and the same goes for the state governance.However,in the actual process of governance,due to the unbalanced relationship between instrumental rationality and value rationality,there are many problems in state governance.Therefore,this article puts the instrumental rationality and the value rationality into the state governance,and studies their respective manifestations,problems and countermeasures to realize their harmonious development.From the point of actual,this article chooses the goals,mechanisms and behaviors in the state governance to analyze the instrumental rationality,specifically the quantified governance objectives,the procedural governance mechanism and the standardized governance behavior.The value rationality is reflected in the humane governance objectives,coordinated governance mechanisms and sustainable governance behavior.However,there are many contradictions and conflicts in the reality.Therefore,the article focuses on establishing the content that combine the goal of establishing the state governance with the instrumental rationality and the value rationality in order to achieve effective state governance.The coordination of forms of state governance mechanism and to overcome the utilitarian aspects of governance behavior to explore how to achieve the harmony of instrumental rationality and value rationality in state governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:state governance, instrumental rationality, value rationality
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