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The Transgression Of God

Posted on:2008-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215484794Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rousseau was regarded as a democratism pioneer, but his political philosophy contains an inclination of populism. Enlightenment Era is the era when instrumental rationality expands. Rousseau has already resisted the obscurantism, and suspected instrumental rationality. His unique response with the spirit of the time demonstrates his position of carrying forward value rationality, his populism-inclined philosophical foundation. Rousseau has shown the concept of value rationality by the assumption of natural state and the natural person, namely the congenital principles in the abyss of the mind about justice and ethics --Moral emotion and self-restrain of will. The instrumental rationality and value rationality are originally indispensable and inherent logic fulcrums in political philosophy, but Rousseau repels instrumental rationality completely, subverts fact world with value world, sets up right utopia, and makes it possible for democratism moves from reason toward its opposite.Carrying forward value rationality, Rousseau has dissolved in an all-round way the civilization of modern western political system, formed abstract general will with the unique union agreement, which becomes the foundation of democratism. However, abstract general will controls all and has absolute power. As a result, the individual freedom and the system collapses in front of general will. That is to say, he eliminates private will with general will, melts individual ego into general one, occupies the individual private space, overcomes common will with general will, forbids concluding the party groups, takes out the modern western political civilization pillar--System of political party .In Rousseau's political structure, there is no power restriction and balance inside, there is no citizen's society to restrict outside, there is no system guarantee. Politics must be that the leader hold authority alone and can not be restricted at all when operated; People participate in politics directly, thousands of people spring up, extremely apt to form majority tyranny that individual rights have no protection at all. Rousseau's ethical political philosophy of idealism changes in quality from democratism to populism.Rousseau attempts to structure the"pure democratism society"with the value monism. In his words system,"people"of the load sovereignty have value natural endowment of justice and goodness that can not be alienated , limited, agented , have absolute power . On the level of idea, in order to guard against inclination of populism, value rationality can be only orientated as society to play its function to criticize and supervise politically; instrumental rationality can be orientated as the country to play its function to structure and operate with political system. On the level of reality, the political cultural normal form of the priori human right must be set up; Integrity value of people's sovereignty must be reduced to individual human rights being safeguarded for in reality; The rigorous system of the modern republicanism doctrine must be built up to combined passive freedom and positive freedom, to make every effort to ensure human rights in according with the procedure frame of the just principle, to realize people's sovereignty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Populism, Instrumental rationality, Value rationality, Priori human right, Modern republicanism doctrine
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