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Difficult Issues On Synonyms And Error-Prone Words In Translation Of Ta-600 Tubes Manufacture And Supply Agreement

Posted on:2020-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P JiangFull Text:PDF
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This report is a case study of TA-600 Tubes Manufacture and Supply Agreement-analysis of synonyms and error-prone words in English-Chinese translation.The words in contract shall be rigorous and accurate,but it is common that some translators fail to grasp the accuracy of the words during English-Chinese contract translation.Then,they just translate some words literally without considering their real meaning.As a result,the inversion of rights and obligations between the parties in those obscure and ambiguous translations makes readers frustrated and confused.The fundamental reason of the phenomenon lies in translator's confusion caused by the similar meaning and ambiguity of those legal words.Therefore,it is of great significance to study the synonyms and error-prone words in contract translation.Gradually,the author realizes the importance of translators' legal literacy and background knowledge which help them understand purpose and intention of the original text and choose the most precise and accurate words in contract translation process.This article is composed of four parts.The first part is a brief introduction of the project.The second part sorts out the features of English contract words and their translation status.The third part focuses on the translation analysis of synonyms and error-prone words.The author chooses two groups of synonyms and three error-prone words,and the case study will be conducted upon them.The fourth part is the translation summary.The author hopes to give some useful references to others in this process.
Keywords/Search Tags:contract translation, error-prone words, synonyms
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